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member » boyfriend!mark x gn!reader

summary » putting on facemasks with your bf!

genre » fluff <3

word count » 0.5k

a/n » this is a work from my tumblr, so the style is a tiny bit different!

please leave your requests in the comments!


you reach out to grab the packets from the fridge. you had stored them in the fridge 10 minutes before so it would get cold and nice before you put them on your face.

you giddily skipped towards your shared bedroom with boyfriend!mark. when he sees you enters the room, a smile forms on his lips.

"that was fast," he remarks, sitting up from his laying position.

"i placed it in the freezer so it would get cold faster," you told him, jumping onto the bed, handing him one of the face mask packet.

he raises his eyebrows with a tilt of a head, "wait- what? wouldn't that just freeze the mask?" he asks.

you pause, staring at him in confusion, "wh- no, it won't?" you reply, unsure. "i didn't put it in for that long, though."

you proceed to squeeze the face mask pack, making sure it was not frozen.

you roll your eyes at your boyfriend, "it's not frozen, you drama queen."

"oh," he giggles, "so, what face mask are we using tonight?" he asks, eyeing the cold pack in his hand.

you smirk, "raspberry! apparently it helps with firming," you say, impressed. mark nods.

your boyfriend tears the top part of the pack open and unfolds the mask from the packet.

"c'mere," he mumbles, still trying to carefully unfold the mask. you scoot closer to the boy, your face just a few inches from his. when he finally meets your eyes, a blush adorns his cheeks from the close proximity.

"not that close," he murmurs shyly, scooting a little further away from you.

he finally spreads the sheet open and gently places it onto your skin. you flinch a little from the cold temperature. mark takes his time to smooth the mask onto your skin, making sure there were no air bubbles.

his fingers runs across your forehead, cheeks, under your eyes, nose and chin, making sure it looked perfect on you. although, of course, no one could look perfect with a sheet mask over their face. mark begs to differ though, you looked perfect in anything.

he quickly pecks your lips once he was done. you barely had any time to react because you could barely move your face from the mask on your face.

"let me help you," you mumble incoherently, reaching for the unopened face mask pack. he lets you snatch the packet from his hands.

you ripped the packet open and carefully pull it out and unfold the mask. you carefully place it on your boyfriend's face.

mark flinches away from the cold face mask, "it's so cold!"

"i heard it's better if it's cold! now let me put it on you," you groan, pulling his arm with your free hand.

mark keeps his eyes shut closed as you carefully place the mask on his face. like him, you smoothed the mask carefully.

once you were done, you quickly pressed your lips against his. unfortunately for the both of you, you missed his lips, and instead had landed on the wet and cold mask, next to his lips.

"ew," you say in disgust, wiping your mouth your finger, trying not to mess up the mask.

mark laughs, holding his mask in place. he shakes his head, "you are such a loser, babe."

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