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member » crush!jaehyunx female!reader

summary » enchanted by taylor swift ;)

genre » fluff, angst

word count » 4.5k

a/n » this was actually so fun to write, i hope yall enjoyed it!! i almost made it an angst ending but i didn't soooo

please leave your requests in the comments!


There I was again tonight, forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity
Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you

a deep sigh leaves your lips, holding back the urge to roll your eyes at the customers. the last thing you needed today was to deal with another headache. school was already hard enough, you didn't need work to add on top of the other pile of things that was already making it harder for you.

you fake a smile, greeting the customers as they walked through the door. it was almost 9:30PM, signalling you to start cleaning up the café. you lick your dry lips, closing the cash register before you turn around to start mopping the place.

thankfully, the café was small, so it wouldn't take more than 30 minutes to clean up the room. furthermore, your colleague had cleaned up all of the plates left by the customers, so there really wasn't much that you had to do.


your head lifts up to your co-worker who was grasping her phone in her hand, her face tight.

"is it okay if i clock out now?" the other girl waits for your response, but you waited for her to reason. "my grandparents just came over, and you know how much i've missed them right?"

she had mentioned a few times about how she misses her grandparents, but you didn't know that she missed them, that bad.

you sigh, "are you done with the dishes?"

your co-worker smiles sheepishly, "there are a few more plates."

she doesn't even bother to offer finishing up her job. god, the things you do for people—

"i'll finish it up."

a beams forms on her lips, "thank you y/n. i owe you one!" she exclaims, grabbing her navy blue bag laying under the counter before she rushes out the door.

this time, you actually roll your eyes. you decided to finish the dishes last, since it was the easiest and fastest out of all. that's when your hand grips the handle of mop, until you hear the bell ringing by the door.

god— who's here to get coffee at 9PM?

"i'm sorry we're—"

you came to a halt the moment you came face to face with the boy. he stares back at you.

"uh... are you guys closed?"

your tensed shoulders start to relax. you shake your head, "oh, uh," you lick your lips again, "no, we're not."

Your eyes whispered "have we met?"
Across the room your silhouette starts to make it's way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy
And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you

your name, ❁ nctHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin