Chapter 1

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I'm late and yeah I know it's a girly thing to say but when your best friend, who you have been crushing on since you first met her is back in town and needs to talk to you urgently, you'll freaking fly for her.

I inhaled deeply, restricting myself from pressing a little harder on the gas. I was eager to see her again. Eager to hear her laugh, to see her smile, to feel her warm body against mine, to smile her amazing scent. With the thought of what I awaited me, I relaxed deciding that I'd rather reach alive and on time than not all.

Tonight I was going to tell her how I felt. I was going to tell her that I love her. A smile formed on my lips as my mind feel into a mist of delight. 'Whipped' as Jax would say but he didn't understand. He wasn't like me. He didn't understand that my kind feel differently, when we bond, it's for life. There's no separations or divorce. It's unity, it's a family. It's someone to love forever.

I parked my car in front of the restaurant and hopped out throwing my keys blindly at the guy that approached me. I rushed through the doors of the restaurant. No one tried to stop me as I weaved through the different tables. Perks of owning the place.

My heart skipped a beat as a familiar laugh graced my ears. I frowned as an unfamiliar voice spoke. I neared the booth and say a woman dressed in black jeans, a jacket and a t-shirt. Black ink mixed with coloured ones crept up her slender neck. Her nose piercing gleamed under the lights. Her gray eyes sparkled as a hand massaged the back of her neck.

I walked closer and I realized who the hand belong to. Her platinum blonde hair was now shoulder length and her tan skin was a shade lighter than it was before. It shared the same paleness as her companion, which could have only mean one thing. She had spent majority of her time indoors.

I inhaled deeply, an ache spread throughout my chest. They reeked of each other. I was about to leave when I was suddenly noticed.

"Logan, over here," she called. I glanced to my left and noticed that a lot of people where now staring.

I numbed my emotions and threw on a fake smile. I sat down across from the obviously happy couple. I snapped my fingers for the waiter, who appeared in seconds. I whispered my order to him, ignoring the worried stare that Morgan sent.

"So what did you want to tell me," I said, sending a quick text to Jax, my good friend and housemate.

'Take a hike," it read. It didn't matter how far he went though.

"Uhm, how about you go first," Morgan said sensing the obvious tension in the room.

"Nah, yours is more important," I said with a forced smile, I tucked my phone into my pocket staring at Morgan dead in the eyes.

"Uh, well, this is Rai," she introduced, motioning to her companion.

"Rai, this is the guy that I was talking to you about, my friend, Logan," she said nervously.

Friend, just friend. Thankfully my drink came. It was a clear liquid that could have easily been mistaken for water but it's taste and effects where way to strong to be mistaken for it. I swallowed it all in one go. It wasn't the effects that worried me, it was the after effects. The after effects which was like uncapping a bottle of emotions after a year of storing them. Better yet 2 years. And then add a supernatural phenomenon to the mix with a little self loathing.

I waited too long.

"Q, why did you just do that," Morgan said staring at me with wide eyes. Emute, they called it. Fitting considering it's purpose.

"Chill, it was just vodka. I thought we were celebrating," I said with smile hiding my aching fingers under the table. They were eager to rip into something soft and warm.

"Well yeah, Rai and I are together and I need your help convincing my dad. You know how old fashion he is," she said. This wasn't new.

Curse my wolf genes. The drug was slowly wearing off.

"Can we do this some other time," I said my vision becoming blurry.

"You alright, mate," Rai asked in a British accent.

"I'll call," I said, taking the back door. I rushed out of the restaurant and walked stoicly towards the front where my car was ready and waiting.

In 15 minutes I was home. My three storey mansion.

I should be happy right, then why do all I feel is rage. Gosh, I'm so freaking pathetic. I chuckled humorlessly as I shrugged off my jacket. I am weak, a weak little Omega who caught feelings for a girl who kissed him once. A pity kiss.

"You freaking idiot," I said to myself.

"Fell for a girl who doesn't even care about you."

"Like a little bitch."

"The werewolf princess's little play thing."

I fell to my knees as an excruciating pain spread throughout my chest. At this point, it was mixture of sadness and anger. It slowly spread throughout my body crawling up my neck. It was like an invisible force had it's hands wrapped around my throat.

"Adel-," my voice suddenly disappeared and my vision blurred with red. The pain intensified traveling all over my body.

My fingers suddenly made a snapping sound. I fell forward on all fours. Fangs sliced at my tongue. My backbone raised pushing against the skin on my back. I squeezed my eyes shut. My fangs pierced my lips as I forced them shut. If I didn't let it out it would force me to shift.

Let me out!

The voice forced. My ears twitched as the alluring sound of padded feet walking on the soft cold ground graced it. I shook my head refusing to fall prey to the temptation. But then I got whiff of the familiar scent. My eyes landed on a pink cotton scarf on the edge of my bed.

I couldn't hold it back anymore. I parted my lips and threw my head back. An unnerving silence, filled with all my hate and pain went through the air. My eyes fluttered close as a soothing feeling suddenly flooded my veins. A sadistic smile formed on my face as the potent scent of fear clouded my senses.

You would call me a monster for taking pleasure in others pain but this was the way of the world. Whether it be the mafia or the supernatural, everyone has a dark side. And on this night I embraced mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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