The incident.

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(Y/N) pov:

You and Bernadetta have been friends for nearly a year. You are currently at the spot where you met Bernadetta while your dad is out hunting at the moment.

(Y/N): "So Bernie, what do you want to do today?"

Bernadetta: "We could play tag?"

(Y/N): "Sure I'm it."

You play tag for a while when you hear multiple sets of foot steps. You then see a man with purple hair and two guards with him. Bernadetta immediately is shocked by their presence.

Bernadetta: " Dad?! What are you doing here?"

Varley: "I'm looking for you Bernadetta."

He looks at you with disgust.

Varley: "What are you doing with this peasant? You're a noble and therefore should not be seen with such filth."

He approaches you and kicks you in the gut and punches you to the ground.

Varley: "See he didn't even try to fight back despite being armed. He knows that he's no better than the dirt under my boot."

Bernadetta: "Leave him alone! He didn't fight back because he knows what will happen if he does!"

Varley: "Fine I'll leave him be, but so will you! You're coming home with me right now young lady! And when we do you'll wish you watched your tongue because you're being punished for your disobedience!"

As Count Varley grabs Bernadetta's arm and drags her away while she screams, the guards attack you leaving you on the brink of death. After an hour your father finds you and takes you home. You explain everything once you've regained a bit of your strength.

Dad: "Damn that noble bastard! If I have the chance I'll take his head!"

You then hear something outside.

Guard: "By declaration of Count Varley the (L/N) family is wanted for the kidnapping of Bernadetta Von Varley. Come out and face your deaths with pride."

Your dad looks out the window leaves then comes back moments later with an axe you haven't seen before.

Dad: "(Y/N) I want you to take this axe and escape. I'll distract them. Meanwhile I want you to head to Garreg Mach Monastery. When you get there find a man named Alois and tell him about what happened."

He hugs you close, and gives you a kiss on the forehead. You can hear his voice crack a bit.

Dad: "I love you son never forget that."

He rushes outside as you exit out the back and rush for the woods. After a few days of nonstop running towards Garreg Mach you see the massive Monastery towering in the distance. You approach to find your father's old friend.

A shut ins Hero. ( Bernadetta x Male Reader.)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara