Fateful meeting.

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(Y/N) pov:

(You and Bernadetta are currently 7.)

You and your father are out in the forest for your training. You've wanted to become a War Hero like your father so as his response he takes you to the forest to train you in swordplay, axe weilding, and hand-to-hand combat.

As you're making your way back home after training you hear a scream not to far away.

Dad: "Come on (Y/N) we have to hurry to help them."

You and your dad rush to the source of the screams and you eventually see two giant wolves approaching a girl with purple hair.


You and your dad attack the wolves from behind. You run up one of their backs and jump turning around midair and stab your axe into it's skull killing it immediately. Meanwhile your dad comes from the side kicking its face before stabbing his sword through its eye killing it.

You approach the girl and hold your hand out to help her up.

(Y/N): "Hey are you alright?"

???: "Y-yeah thanks for saving me."

She takes your hand.

Dad: "You should try to be more careful. Those wolves though rare are quite dangerous."

???: "I didn't know something like that even existed. Can I ask your names?"

Dad: "I'm Argus (L/N). This here is my son (Y/N) (L/N)."

???: "I'm Bernadetta. Thank you again for saving me."

Dad: "Wait Bernadetta as in Bernadetta Von Varley?"

Bernadetta: "Yes, but please don't tell my dad I came out here. I only come out here to enjoy the scenery and get away from all the noble stuff."

You talk to her wanting to make a friend since you don't have any friends.

(Y/N): "Hey Bernadetta do you want to be my friend?"

Bernadetta: "You want to be my friend?"

(Y/N): "Yeah. Why wouldn't I?"

You say this with a cheerful smile. She then smiles at you.

Bernadetta: "Sure if you don't mind."

Dad: "We should all get going before it gets to dark out."

Bernadetta: "Well thank you again for saving me. Goodbye."

You all walk off and you and your father enter the house.

(Y/N): "Dad are we going to train tomorrow?"

Dad: "That was the plan."

(Y/N): "Well could we train where we met Bernadetta?"

Dad: "Hm well the area was wide open so I don't see why not."

(Y/N): "Well after training could I play with Bernadetta?"

Dad: "Of course if she is there that is. Anyway we should get some rest see you tomorrow kiddo."

(Y/N): "Night dad."

There we go first chapter of my new story complete. I hope you all enjoyed and thank you for reading.

A shut ins Hero. ( Bernadetta x Male Reader.)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum