An unknown crests power.

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The last day of the Garland moon arrives and The Black Eagle house set out for their mission for the month. Byleth, Hubert, Edelgard, and Catherine, who set out to deal with the revolt and watch over the students, are all talking to one another. (Y/N) looks over to Bernadetta and sees her visibly shaking.

(Y/N): "Are you alright Bernie? You're shaking."

Bernadetta: "I don't know if I can do this. I mean the bandits I understand, but these are innocent people following their leader. I don't think I can bring myself to kill them."

All of a sudden a soldier approaches Catherine and speaks to her.

Catherine: "It looks like our mission just changed, Professor. Everyone, prepare for battle!"

Everyone prepares for the coming battle. They stay close and take care of any enemies that become visible. That is until (Y/N) looks back at Bernadetta and sees an enemy sneak up on her with their weapon raised. (Y/N) immediately rushes towards her.

(Y/N): "Bernie!! Behind you!"

She turns around and braces herself when she feels herself getting pushed. She opens her eyes and sees (Y/N) holding Maelstrom with a large slash in his shoulder. He's looking at the ground before everyone sees sparks appear on him. Everyone looks at him with shock.

(Y/N): "You just made the biggest mistake of your life."

Mealstrom is completely covered in electricity as he swings Maelstrom at the soldier which cracks the ground beneath him and kills the soldier by cutting him clear in half.

Bernadetta: "(Y/N)? Are you okay?"

(Y/N) looks over his shoulder and looks at her and smiles before collapsing.

Bernadetta pov:

Bernadetta rushes to (Y/N) and makes sure he's still alive. She then looks at his shoulder and sees that it's completely healed, but left a scar.

Everyone rushes to take care of the rest of the revolt and end up returning to the Monastery after they succeed. Bernadetta with the help of Dorothea get (Y/N) to the infirmary. Soon Hanneman, Rhea, Byleth, Alois, and Bernadetta are all in the infirmary watching over (Y/N) who is still passed out.

Rhea: "What happened on the mission?"

Bernadetta: "I was about to be attacked by an enemy and (Y/N) saved, but got hurt."

Byleth: "Afterwards sparks appeared around him and his axe was completely covered in that same electricity."

Hanneman: "That might be the effect of his crest?"

Bernadetta: "He has a crest?"

Hanneman: "Yes it was one I remember seeing in one of my books. I've forgotten the name, but I've been searching for that book for the past 9 or so years so I could identify his crest."

Rhea: "I think I know where it is."

Rhea leaves only to return with a book.

Rhea: "Sorry Hanneman. It caught my attention and I've been reading it with the very little free time I have."

Hanneman: "This is the book! Rhea from now on please inform me when you borrow a book."

Rhea: "Of course now please inform us."

Hanneman flips through the pages before he finds the page.

Hanneman: "Ah here we are. He has The Storming Crest, also known as The Full Crest of Boltzgar. It is said that this crest is unique in the sense it only appears in those the crest itself deems worthy, and in rare cases can be hereditary."

Alois: "But that doesn't explain why he's in this condition."

Hanneman: "The ability of the crest allows immeasurable yet temporary power to the weilder at the cost of..."

Hanneman's expression changes for intrigue to a combination of shock and sorrow.

Bernadetta: "At the cost of what?"

Hanneman: "The health of the weilder. Potentially leading to their death."

Byleth: "So in a sense he gets impossibly strong, but risks his life in return?"

Hanneman: "Yes, however it does say that this power only awakens in moments of desperation or extreme anger. So if he were to stay calm and doesn't become desperate he should be fine."

(Y/N): "How is it fine?"

Everyone looks to see (Y/N) completely recovered.

(Y/N): "What's the point of this power if it can kill me with any use?"

Hanneman: "Each crest is unique. This crest must use that draw back so the user doesn't rely on it."

You get mad and yell.

(Y/N): "The Crest of Indech boosts the users reflex time, The Crest of Gloucester increases the potency of magic, and The Crest of Fraldarius just barely makes the weilder stronger, so why is it that this crest has a draw back that involves putting my life at risk?"

Hanneman: "You need to calm down. We can't risk your crest activating again."

(Y/N): "Screw that! I trained tirelessly to get stronger to live up to my fathers name only to find out I have crest that will make me stronger at the cost of killing me!"

Hanneman: "Its not a guarantee that you'll die. Only a chance."

(Y/N) immediately gets out of bed and storms off.

Bernadetta: "(Y/N)!"

Byleth puts a hand on her shoulder and she looks at him.

Byleth: "Let him be for now. He might just need to calm down."

She looks down the hall at (Y/N) as he turns the corner.

Bernadetta: "I hope you're right."

A shut ins Hero. ( Bernadetta x Male Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now