21- getting to know you

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"you're the one person that makes me feel safe," I whisper under my breath.

He rests his hand on my thigh, drawing circles with his thumb and I can't help but smile at the little interaction.

I put my hand on top of his, happy that he's becoming more open and comfortable. I sigh knowing that my next question is going to change that.

"Ok, you don't have to answer this one." I say looking at him nervously.

"What happened to your father...?" I ask cautiously. His hand on the wheel tightens making his knuckles whiten and I regret asking

"Forget I asked—" I begin to say

"He was shot when I was 12" he cuts me off and I feel my heart break for him. I can feel the tears well in my eyes and I quickly blink them away. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Is that when you took over?" I ask, trying not to push him. He nods and I see his hands unclench.
We arrive at a fancy restaurant  and Leo can't get out quick enough.

I shouldn't have brought it up. But I wanted to know why he is the way he is. He rounds the car opening my door.

I step towards him and give him a hug. I feel him stiffen but I don't let go. A few seconds later I feel him relax and he wraps his arms around me.

"Thank you for telling me" I say into his chest. I let go a second later not wanting to push it.

"Ok let's go" I say smiling up at him, he returns my smile reaching for my hand as we make our way in. I interlace our fingers standing closer to him as we enter. I feel so out of place.

I stand beside him looking around at the high class restaurant as Leo talks to one of the servers. She leads us away from the main area and I look up at Leo for an explanation.

Maybe he forgot to book. It was last minute. We are led into an elevator and the lady clicks the top floor. Once the doors open my breath is knocked out of me.

Woah. The top floor has a dark ambiance to it.
As soon as the doors open, glass windows cover the wall displaying the gorgeous views.
Warm lights are displayed sporadically across the roof making it look like a night sky. There is a bar on the left and the whole level is completely empty. I wonder where everyone is? We step out of the elevator and I walk forward still admiring the beauty. It feels so ethereal.

"Do you like it?" Leo asks, watching my reaction as I spin around taking it all in.

"It's beautiful" I walk towards the glass wanting to get a closer look at the view.

Leo pulls out a chair for me at the table that is situated in the centre and I take it. Once he pushes me in, he heads over to the bar.

"A drink?" He questions.

"I don't really want a repeat of last time" I say slightly embarrassed he chuckles, making me a non-alcoholic drink, and pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

"Favourite song?"

"Don't have one" ugh how could he.

"Yours?" His eyes connect with mine and I just
know he cares about me a lot.

"There are so many! My childhood favourite was 'Apologise' and I still love it but I think at the moment it is 'use somebody'" I say in one breath and he chuckles.

"What's your favourite movie genre?" I ask and he sits down across from me.

"Thriller" I knew that one.

"What do you want to do when you're older?"

Oh this one's easy, it's been the same since I was 12.

"Eventually I'm going to save up and run my own cafe. Something small so that you can interact with the customers and get to know them"

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