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I woke up from my unconscious state to the sound of someone removing a padlock shackle from a metal door. I was aware of my surroundings but I could not move or open my eyes. I attentively tried to listen to the sounds around me. 

The only thing I heard was the sound of heavy footsteps. That was bad but there was something about it that made it much worse. They were arriving towards me. 

All of a suddenly the sound of footsteps completely went still and the room was filled with deafening silence. Soon after, the sound of someone fiddling with a metal chain started echoed through the room. 

It took me a few seconds to realise that my hands were chained together with that chain. Before I could even react the person started pulling the chain dragging me along with it on the cold hard floor. 

My shirt was starting to roll up from the back and my bare skin was getting scratched on the rough cement floor. I wanted to scream from the pain but I could not even make a sound. 

After getting dragged for more than five minutes the person stopped moving. Then I heard the sound of a creaky door opening. This felt like a horror movie. The only thing that I wish right now is for all this to be a dream. A scary nightmare that I had when I sat down on a bench of a park but I knew that wouldn't happen. This was all too real. The pain was too much to be a dream. 

Suddenly, I felt cold skin against my bare waist and under my knee lifting me up in bridal style. The arm of the person touched my scratched skin making my eyes tear up. My body was laid down on some kind of metal surface. 

Then the person spoke. His voice was deep as the one I heard earlier. "I know you are awake Skylar. You are in a state of paralysis. You won't be able to move. In the time span ofan hour you will be able to open your eyes and see. However, you won't still be able to move."

As soon as his explanation came to an end I felt a cold sensation around my tummy. He poured something over my body. It was something liquid but I did not know what it was. 

"Oh don't worry darling. It's just some cold water so that you won't feel sweaty when laying here waiting for me" a little chuckle followed his explanation. Soon he left the room and I was left alone in the room. 

I couldn't ask for help or help myself. The water kept flowing down from my tummy until it hit my scratched back. I started feeling the stingy burning sensation. There was nothing I could do to lessen the pain so I just laid there hoping for it all to end. 

Questions started flooding up in my mind when I tried thinking about my current situation. 

Where am I? 

How far from home am I? 

Where is Jessi and Eric? Did they eat? 

How long was I unconscious for? 

Is anyone looking for me? 

I had so much questions to ask but there was no one who could answer them other than that man. 

That man.. 

Suddenly, the voice of that person started playing in my head. His voice was so creepy and deep. He sounded like he is around his mid 20s. 

All of a sudden, I heard the sound of glass shattering. It was followed by the sound of many peoples footsteps. Then the sound of door locking echoed through the room. 

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