. . .

Oh my lord, when will it be over. It's been what, 3 hours? The teachers been talking for about 30 minutes now, counting. This should be over soon, he'll give us our sheets and we'll do a quick revision over it, and then get to leave. This is my third class today and second lecture. Just a few more minutes Y/N... you can cope. Then the satisfying sound of the teacher saying to revise it and get on with our work is heard and the sheets get passed out. C'mon quick revisionn.. let's be done with this pleasee.. "Alright you're all excused remember to have these noted and completed in the week after next week okay? Great job today class," The teacher excuses us in a sarcastic tone, I can't tell if he doesn't wanna be here, or that's just his natural voice, you can't tell with some teachers. As I leave the classroom, and walk down the hallways, some people look at me and talk to their friends. Seriously whats up with that? Thats more people who keep doing that now. 

Eventually, a 1st year walks up to me, I dont know them, but they look abit nervous. "Um, hey, are you Y/U/N? by any chance?" they ask. Imediantly a wave of exposure and nervous runs through my body as I hear my username. Shit, I've been found. I inhale. "Yeahh, that's me, heh," I say really nervously with an awkward grin. "Oh my god, Hi, I really like your streams, can I get a photo?" they ask. Omg my first photo with a fan, and they go to my college- "Uh, yeah totally, I wouldnt mind," I do mind I wanna go home. "Oh thanks, sorry if I'm bothering you," the say anxiously as they pull out their phone. "Ahh your alright," Listen you're sweet, but I wanna go home. They take the photo, say thanks, and are on their way. Alright now I can go home. As I make my way outside, I'm met with a peculiar sight.

 I see a smallish group of people surrounding a tall figure that I immediately recognise. Tommy. "Popular bitch." I say under my breathe as I put up my mask a bit more. I was just standing there, pretending to wait for someone else, WHO WASN'T TOMMY. I think he caught this because he didn't call me over, thankgod. When the swarm left, he ushered me over and I jogged over to him quickly. "Sorry about that heh," he chuckles while scratching the back of his neck. "famous huh?" I grin. "Pfft I guess so," he says. "alright let's get going, I don't want more people seeing us," I say and drag him away. "ah okay-" he says while going with my word. As we walked to the bus stop, we just talked casually, as he bullied me about Uni. "oh my lord I got recognized in the hallway," I remember, unfortunatly. "Seriously? Is that you're first recognition?" he asks. "ughh yeahh, they go to my college which is worse, also people kept looking at me.. they found meee woOoo.." I make ghost noises and wine as tom pokes fun at me. "Pftt, god welcome to my world loser," he says. "Yeah barely, im just starting" I note. "Meh you'll get there someday I bet," He says. "Pfft sure." I joke. 

We hop on the bus and head back to the apartment, I almost fell asleep on the bus, so my head dropped and smacked against the back of the chair, which Tom found hilarious, and I found painful and embarrassing, He also wouldn't SHUT UP ABOUT IT. "omg I can't believe you smacked your head against the chair, pfftt dumb bitch bahaaaa.. omgg" he teases. "omg shut up and fuck you you arsehole." i flip him off, which he jokingly finds offensive. As we meet at the door I start unlock the door then tom asks. "Are you're parents home?" I scoff at this comment. "pfft, nah, I don't live with my parents. when I started streaming and college, my parents thought it'd be easier to live further away, so I moved in with George," I tell as I unlock the door and walk in. 

Tommy's POV

OMG THIS ENTIRE HOUSE SMELLS LIKE Y/N AH I CAN'T I NEED TO LEAVE ASAP AHHH- "You want a drink?"Y/N asks casually as he opens the fridge. "You got beer??" I say in a western accent. "Coke it is." He decides while tossing me a can. I look at the can as if it were a million dollars he just handed me, it's the thought that counts. "Ah, didn't you say you needed help on editing the vlog?" He remembers and turns to me energy drink in hand. "ohhh, yeah now I remember, I just wanna check what to keep in, sound track timing and I hope that's it," I recall. "Ahh I see, alright then, come to my room, we'll edit there," He says guiding me up the stairs. 

He stops at a hall way at the top, looks to a door and yells. "GEORGE!" "Yeah??" Says a London accent I can't forget, that's gogs. "TOM'S HERE BTW HE'S STAYING FOR A FEW DAYS!" He yells back. "Oh really? Justa sec!" He yells as while you can hear shuffling from his room as he opens the door. "Oh hey Tommy, I didn't know you where coming," he says. "Really?" I ask confused. "Ha yeah I didn't say my bad lol, you were asleep anyway," Y/N says casually. "Well you could've atleast given me the heads up," George crosses his arms. "Mehh whatever, it doesn't matter he's here now, He's only here for what, two days? You can cope," He crosses his arms back. "Ah whatever," He turns around in a huff but then stops to turn around. "Oh Tommy feel free to help yourself to anything if you need it," He smiles at me, gives Y/N squinty eyes, and closes the door. "Well, atleast he's nice to you," He shrugs and walks to what I'm assuming is his room. "I guess that's just a sibling thing," I note. "What do you mean i guess? You've got siblings right?" He says in confusion. "Nah, I'm an only child, which is nice don't get me wrong, get's lonely sometimes tho, I mean I've got people like Will and Toby who are basically my brothers, but yknow," I say not being able to explain too well. "Sorta, yeah i do," He gives a tired smile and opens his room door. "Well, this is my room, so uh yeah, there's nothing much to it, but it's a room, oh you can place your stuff wherever," he says, as I drop my bag on his bed. "God your rooms actually tidier then i thought," I say. "Dont flatter me, I cleaned it when i heard you were coming over, it's rarely this presentable," He chuckles. "Pfft so you're a messy bitch?" I say grinning. He looks at me with a "Seriously?" Kinda face which makes me snicker. "shut up pussy boy," he scoffs. "AYE- Bitch" I say in a raspy tone. "You are so unintimidating." He says while sitting in his desk chair and turns on his PC. "AYE- Oh wait do you have another chair?" I ask. "Look behind you dipshit," He says. I turn to see a rolling chair just in the corner. "Oh. heh" I chuckle as I bring it over to his desk.


"Is that all really?" He asks analysing the video once again. "Yep that should be about it, downloadd," I note. "one step ahead of you," he says with it already fully downloaded. "alright now just email it to me and I'll send it via my laptop," I say while pulling my mac out of me backpack. "aannnddd sent!" he says. "Got it! Okayy youtube, youtube.." I murmur while opening my YouTube and going onto the post video screen. "Hmmm.. should I just name the video 'I met Y/U/N in real life!' Or something else?" I ask while looking at y/n. "Ahhh... yeahh that's basic and simple, that'll work," He says. "Yeah that seems alright, should this be the thumbnail?" I say while showing them a photo of us when we were at the beach. "Hmm I like that photo, yeah definatly, Heh Heh," he chuckles softly  which gives me knots in my stomache, god how soft chuckles are too much for me. "Can you send any photos of our meet up to me?" He asks. "Huh? Oh, yeah Yeah, MHM yeah totally," I stammer.

After a few more typing of the description, it's ready. "Aaannddd... post." I announce. Just like that in the spam of a couple seconds it's up for the world to see. "Nicee, I'm gonna watch it later definatly," he says. Then I got an idea. "Oo! Y/N Y/N we should stream," I suggest very hyper. "Hmm I don't see why not, alright let's go," he smiles and goes onto twitch to start the stream. "Oh Toms we should start the stream with just you on it yknow asif you took over, people would be confused" he plans. "Ayeee definatlyy," I agree. "Ya ready big man?" I ask. "Press the fucking button Tomsey." He demands.
"HELLO Y/U/N VIEWERS. IT'S ME. TOMMYINNIT, FROM THE TOMMYINNIT CHANNEL, FROM- From everywhere-haha- uH I. I.. I KILLED Y/U/N . YEAH I DID I GOT HIS HEAD AND JUST CRUSHED IT MAN," I say in a raspy tone. "PFFFTTBAHAHAHAA.. OML-" Y/N hurts out into laughter, and tears. "Aww man it was a surprise," I laugh. "I can't take you seriously when you do that voice-bahahaa... oml I can't breathe- omg I need water.." he grabs his bottle and starts drinking. "Oh my god you fucken loser," I laugh to myself. "Heard that jackass," he says then takes a huge gulp of his water. "It looked like you where going to eat the bottle," I note. "I might just if you keep bullshitting," he jokes. "PFFTBAHA-" I laugh. "Aye that one thing on quackitys Instagram story "eat plastic so the turtles don't have to" amen ammi right,"he says causally and takes a seat trying to suppress laughter. "PFFFTT.. COUGH COUGH COUGH OMG GIMME SOME WATEr-" I gasp and take a swig of his water.
Needles to say we had a very great stream, our viewers were loving it. Although the next couple days would need to be spent well.

Because the horror house was coming up. And soon.

Woah long as chapter Oml wow- this is mainly just a filler chapter but it was fun to play around with the characters dynamic and just to write this. I hope you liked it- and Oml 500 reads- wtf Thankyou sm- we're almost at 1000, I might do something to celebrate that :)

Anyway, cya in the next chapter

Swing Lynn - Tommy x MALE Reader :)Where stories live. Discover now