chapter 4

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january 25th

michael ran his fingers through his newly-dyed pink hair with a sigh as he waited outside of calum's home. the sub was barely rising, and he cursed under his breath as a chill ran up his spine. "god damn it, cal. why d-do you always take so l-"

"talking to yourself again?" michael flinched at the soft voice behind him. turning around, he narrowed his eyes while tilting his head slightly up at the blonde. (was it just him, or was luke starting to get taller?)

luke's face was unreadable, though michael felt his blood boil as the boy cracked a smile. "what the hell are you grinning about, hemmings?"

"just trying to hold back my laughter. isn't pink a little girly for someone as "punk rock" as you?" luke replied with a scoff, emphasizing the air quotes around "punk rock" with his hands.

michael felt his face flush as he self consciously reached up and twirled a strand of the bright pink hair in his fingers. "... cal likes the color pink..." he mumbled, voice laced in embarrassment.

"oh, does he?" luke eyed him cautiously, shrugging. "or did he just say it because you were gullible enough to actually do it?"

"what's that supposed to mean?" michael snapped, the blush on his pale cheeks darkening further.

"his favorite color is baby blue. as his best friend, i assume you would've known." luke snorted, ruffling michael's messy hair with a taunting look spread across his face.

michael had just raised his arm to punch luke when a third being interrupted them. calum cleared his throat loudly, stepping between his two friends who quickly separated themselves. michael's heart stopped when he saw the loving grin calum flashed towards luke. how come he never looks at me like that?!

"o-oh my god, mikey!" calum blurted out, pointing at his hair. he never really had good judgement when it came to deciding whether or not to keep his mouth shut. "i can't believe you actually did that!" he broke into laughter, pulling his beanie off and handing it to the shorter boy.

michael glared at the beanie, snatching it as he put it on quickly. oh, how he wanted to run home and just hide under his bed. instead, he changed the subject. "remind me why we had to be here so damn early on my precious saturday morning?"

"it's my birthday, duh. besides, it was luke's idea." calum stated matter-of-fact-ly. michael just rolled his eyes. of course it was luke's idea.

"calum didn't tell you? we're going ice skating in san jose."

great. just great.

the three squeezed into the back seat of mali's car as she drove and her friend was in the passenger seat. though it only took around an hour to get there, they weren't actually going skating until the evening. so, they just wasted the day shopping and exploring the city.


michael's heart raced at the sight ahead of him. the large, circular rink was only a tiny bit packed, the bright lights from christmas still shining against the slick ice.

"why are you just standing there? you scared?" luke cooed into his ear, making his way around the frozen pink haired boy and onto the ice.

"i'm not scared. it's just been a while." michael huffed. he was telling the truth; the last time he'd been skating was when he and calum were nine. without further thought, he glided forward and caught up with luke and calum.

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