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"to this day, calum still wonders how he could ever be best friends with the two. for crying out loud, michael hated luke since their freshman year! it had been just calum and michael, who were best friends since elementary, when luke moved in down the street from calum. and how was calum supposed to know that michael would get jealous when his mom decided to invite the hemmings over for dinner and not allow calum to invite his friend. for nearly six months, the fighting between luke and michael became more and more intense. honestly, it was silly for michael to be upset at calum, but instead all calum could do is be a sarcastic jerk back and suggest, "why don't you make out with him to release the hate and tension?"

most importantly, how could calum have forgotten that his best friend tended to be over dramatic and took things too serious? he found that out the hard way on the last day of freshman year, when michael had ditched soccer, snatched luke away from his volleyball practice, and kissed him as hard as he could in the locker room. if it weren't for calum running into the locker room to take a piss mid-practice, those two would have never been separated!"

- chapter 2 "bouquet of roses"


ayy! it's me again! (yeah i changed my username soRRY)

anyways i planned on writing this after i finished bouquet of roses, but i mean it doesn't matter considering it's a prequel? so you don't have to read that fic to read this one.

it's based mainly on chapter 2 in bouquet of roses though, where it's sort of calum reflecting on their past. even though it's freshman year in this fic, the boys won't be fetuses )': (maybe a little buuut)

also, ashton likely won't be in this fix since he doesn't show up until bouquet of roses. i may mention him as a junior or senior in this fic, but sadly there will be no cashton /////; (after this fic ends, i may do a large time skip to bouquet of roses-time, and maybe write little chapters with muke interactions? ayy)

also i'm deciding to put this out here mow because 5SOS IN JAPAN HAS ME INCREDIBLY PUMPED UP RIGHT NOW!!!!

so yeah! expect the first few chapters soon! (speaking of, i may have people start voting/commenting to post new chapters 0: )

prologue will be up tomorrow! for now, yall should read bouquet of roses and give me character asks!

much love! xx

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