"Won't happen again, Professor," said Sirius as he flashed his best smile.

"I very much doubt that, Mr Black," Flitwick sighed before resuming his classes.

✧・ ゚: *✧・゚:*

As Genevieve heaved through exhausted lungs, she finally crosses the finish line that James had set on the Quidditch pitch. "I can't believe I chose to play Quidditch this year after knowing you would be the team Captain," she panted and lent herself on James in fear that her weak legs would give way.

"What's that supposed to mean?" James asked.

"It means that I knew you would be killing me during practice."

"I'm having second thoughts already," Marcus joined in as he crossed the finish line next, breathing in the air just as deeply as Genevieve was. He ran a hand through the mess of black curls on his head, and Genevieve had to look away from him as he did this because in fear that he would see her cheeks turn red.

Nothing prepared the Gryffindor quidditch team for when she heard James to 'Do fifty sit-ups whilst hanging from your broom by your legs' not long after. That was when Genevieve truly felt like she wanted to crawl into a ball and have a five minute break to herself so she could cry.

She felt particularly bad for the two new teammates, a scrawny third year girl named Imogen Withers, a seventh year named Marcus Cruz,  and another seventh year boy with a jawline sculpted by the gods. His name was Jessie Hawthorne. If Amos Diggory wasnt her longest crush, then Jessie Hawthorne definitely was, but none of the boys knew this. Only Lily did.

"But we've just finished doing five laps around the pitch!" said Sirius in vexation. A sheen layer of sweat had clearly coated his forehead and all his obsidian curls stuck to it as if it were magnetic. "And before that we did one hundred star jumps while having to balance on our broom."

"And now you'll be doing fifty sit-ups while hanging off your broom," James said stubbornly.

"It's easy for you to say that, Potter. You're not the one having to do this," Marcus heaved as he rested his hands on his thigh in attempts to control his breath. There was a sense of humour in his voice, yet Genevieve could tell he was worn out.

"This isn't even hard—"

Jessie held up a hand. "Don't," he said and closed his bright green eyes momentarily. "Just don't."

With curious eyes, Genevieve watched as Imogen fiddled with her fingers and shuffled in her place, avoiding eye contact with anyone there. She was one of the new chasers, and although she didn't look the part, she was certainly built for the role.

Whilst Sirius, Jessie and Marcus challenged James's instructions with back and forth comments, Lin was stood silently watching. "Lin?" Genevieve muttered lowly. "Why don't you go over there and start talking to Imogen? You was in her position a year ago."

He looked over at Imogen, noticing her nervousness before turning back to Genevieve. "Sure," he smiled and walked over to her.

The distraction of Imogen and Lin was only temporary for Genevieve, though. The second she had detached her eyes from them, she was plunged back into the friendly feud between the rest of her teammates.

"I'm just making sure that you're all trained up for the big game tomorrow!" James insisted, his hands crossed against his torso. "I refuse to lose to Hufflepuff."

Genevieve pinched her nose at the same time Sirius and Marcus let out both exhausted and exasperated sighs. "Look, James, I get you're determined to win, which is great, but we're all beginning to ache," Genevieve said tiredly.

"That's a good thing! It shows we're working hard!" James replied.

Genevieve furrowed her eyebrows. "Overworking your players isn't a good thing, James," she muttered.

"Do you want players as stuff as a board at the match tomorrow?" Sirius said. "If we carry on like this then we're all going to be sore and in pain."

"And you're going to end up making me cry," Jessie added. "Do you want to deal with me crying? A grown man? Do you?"

James took off his glasses and frustratedly rubbed his eyes before putting them back on, a habit he had picked up lately if he wasn't running a hand through his hair. "You're right," he said guiltily after a minute. "Yeah, you're all right. Jessie, please don't cry. I've been a bit too harsh on you all today, haven't I?"

"Just a bit?" said Sirius lowly to Marcus, causing them both to share a snort.

"You all did well today. Go get yourselves cleaned up and get some rest for tomorrow guys," James instructed, clapping everyone on the back as they made their way past him with shaky legs that were close to collapsing. As Jessie walked past James he made sure to give James a clap on the shoulder. When Jessie wasnt looking, James rubbed the spot while muttering 'ow' under his breath.

"Oh, Gen!" James called after Genevieve's retreating body. "Will Lily be going to the match?" He asked.

The corner of Genevieve's lips tugged upwards as she saw the way he fiddled with his hands nervously while waiting for the answer. "She is," said she, "But don't expect her to bring a 'Potters Number One Fan' sign."

James laughed. "I've already got enough girls holding up those signs, but it would be nice if Lily brought one as well."

Genevieve elbowed him in the side. "I'll make sure to tell her that."

James quickly turned serious and looked at her in worry. "Please don't she'll murder me."

"Even more of a reason to!"

✧・ ゚: *✧・゚:*

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