"Did you know this?" Yaya asked Boboiboy, who shook his head as a response. "No. And even if we have this connection, I never knew he was a part of this." Lia sighed, "This means Reverse and Aisha had been secretly working together all along."

"The first time we encountered Aisha was at Babar because of AnimalBot, then the next one was when this station got attacked again. She left Lia a message saying that deep inside, she is shallow." Leizel started with crossed arms. "Then Reverse came by when she was in the Philippines, then went to planet Exo to get AgeBot because he knew that Lia would be there with Boboiboy."

Gopal gave a look in confusion, "Okay, so what are you trying to say?" Fang then continued, "This means that Aisha and Reverse weren't after the power spheres. They easily gave back AnimalBot and AgeBot and if they were that desperate for them, they could've done some desperate measures. Desperate time calls for desperate measures, you know?"

"With that, Aisha and Reverse are after Lia, not the power spheres." Ying suddenly chimed in. "They used the power spheres for bait to lure her in or something." Lia widened her eyes at the conclusion of her friend.

Boboiboy exhaled deeply, "But there's one thing left... How did Aisha know we were going to Babar that time? How did she know that there's a new TAPOPS station being built?" Lia added, "Reverse knew that I was in the Philippines. He also knew Boboiboy and I were sent off to Exo for a mission."

They all looked at one another before Fang spoke up, "Looks like someone has been leaking all the important information." Yaya nodded with a stern look, "Someone is spying on us." The rest, excluding Fang and Lia, turned to Leizel.

"What's with that look? Hey, it's not me. C'mon guys. I don't even know those Orangpina jerks." Leizel defended herself, a bit hurt by how the others thought about her regarding the word spy. Ying raised her eyebrow, "We didn't say anything."

After the meeting, they all exited the room. The thought of a spy scares them, which is why they are quiet right now. Lia was in her thoughts, thinking of the possible answers to the raised questions earlier.

Although, most of them think that there was someone spying on them. Lia was 50-50 on that; a part of her believes that then a part of her doesn't because it could be a coincidence. Or maybe she was just in denial of believing it. She already has a suspect in her mind, but she didn't want to point fingers yet because she has to play it safe.

"I'm going to tell you guys this already," Gopal started. "It wasn't me. I wouldn't know about our plans to Babar until commander told us so. And with Lia in the Philippines, yes I knew that beforehand but why would I tell someone about it if it will cause her danger? Also, I wouldn't leak any confidential information about the missions."

Yaya nodded, "Me too. Not to mention that Orangpina wanted to end us as well. I won't do anything to compromise us all." The rest agreed with her and expressed their own feelings about it.

"It's okay guys. It doesn't mean that it's one of us." Lia assured them. "We just have to keep our guards up. We can't afford to have more information leaked to them." Everyone else agreed with her.

They all went back to their respective rooms since there are no more missions for today. Lia slumped onto her bed, alarming Leizel. "Hey, are you okay?" She rushed to her, only to be halt by Lia.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just... stressed out. I just want to take my mind off things for a while." Lia replied, sighing. Leizel gave a sulky pout as she went to her and bent down to give her a hug, "Aigoo, my buddy is stressed out."

"Aigoo." Lia imitated her, cracking a laugh. She then sat up rubbed the sides of her forehead, "Guess things like these happen, huh?" Leizel nodded, "Yeah, and as much as it sucks, it can't be avoided. It's up to us on how would we handle it."

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