Chapter 22

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"I hate being here." Sam said as he sat in a military hospital in Metropolis with both of his daughters standing by him.

"We're well aware of that dad, but at the same time, you also know it's protocol to undergo a full medical evaluation." Lois said.

"I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it though." Sam grumbled as they waited for the doctor to come in.

"Nice to know your time in captivity hasn't changed you personality wise." Lucy said.

"And I hear my division has been under strong leadership in my absence." Sam said and Lucy smiled at the praise from her father.

"Yeah well, it'll be nice to have you back." Lucy said.

"Yeah, about that." Sam said.

"What?" Lois asked.

"I spent the past 6 months in a cell and the one good thing that came out of it was that it gave me time to think and it made me realize that I was a terrible father to you." Sam said.

"Dad." Lucy said.

"No Lucy, it's true. I constantly put my duty as a soldier ahead of my duty as a father and that's unforgivable. Hell, Lois, I'm honestly surprised that you let me call myself Jonathan and Jordan's grandfather." Sam said.

"Dad, you were trying to protect the country and the world." Lois said.

"But in doing so, I forgot to protect my daughters. Honestly, I've lost track of how many times you both came home with bruises or your mother telling me that you were in a fight, simply because I wasn't there to teach you how to avoid getting into them." Sam said.

"Dad, what are you saying?" Lois asked, wondering if her father was saying what she thought he was saying.

"I think that it's time to reevaluate my priorities. Yes, my job as a soldier was to protect my country, but it shouldn't have been my top priority, my top priority should've been to protect you both as your father." Sam said.

"So, what does all that mean?" Lucy asked and Sam smiled.

"What I'm saying is that I think it's time for me to start looking out for my family first. Which is why, even after I'm cleared, I think I'm gonna take a step back from active duty. Switch to being a reserve." Sam said.

"I think we should have him checked for head trauma." Lois said.

"Yeah, you and me both. The Sam Lane we know would never put his family before his country." Lucy said with a smirk.

"Very funny girls." Sam said.

"I'm completely serious." Lois said.

"I've been a soldier long enough. It's time for me to finally be a father and a grandfather. But Lois, there is something I need to tell you, though probably not now." Sam said.

"It's okay dad, Lucy knows that Clark is Superman." Lois said.

"Really." Sam asked his younger daughter, who nodded.

"Yeah, I found out not too long after I found out Supergirl's identity." Lucy said.

"You mean Kara Danvers and yes, I know who she is and I've already promised Clark I'd keep it a secret, just like I keep his secret." Sam assured them.

"Okay then. But what were you saying?" Lois asked.

"When I was being held captive, Lillian Luthor, who is in charge of Cadmus," Sam said, not knowing that his daughters already knew that, "she showed me pictures of Jonathan and Jordan. She threatened them if I didn't comply." Sam said.

"So the boys have targets on their backs now. Great." Lois said.

"Lois, I'm sorry." Sam said.

"It's not your fault dad. You didn't tell her about them and you didn't tell her that Superman is their father right?" Lois asked.

"Of course not. I'd never betray that secret." Sam said.

"Good. Because now the need to find Lillian Luthor is even higher, so we can erase her memory of the boys." Lois said and Sam nodded.

"I'll put the DIA on it immediately." Lucy said, since she was still acting commander of the DIA.

"Good. Get in contact with the DEO too, see if they can help." Lois said.

"I'm surprised you didn't just ask Alex, since isn't she the new director?" Lucy asked.

"She is, but unless something's changed, she was on an IV drip and unconscious. I'll tell you later." Lois said and Lucy nodded.

Not a particularly long chapter, but I wanted to do some Lane family bonding.

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