Chapter 4

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After Jonathan and Jordan had gone to bed that night, Clark, Lois and Martha stayed downstairs to talk about what Jordan's emerging powers meant.

"You two do realize that Metropolis is not exactly the best place for Jordan to learn how to use his powers. Your house there doesn't offer the same advantages that the farm offered you Clark while you were growing up." Martha said.

"I know, but we can't just uproot our family and move them here just because of Jordan's powers. He and Jonathan have school, Lois and I have work, our whole lives are in Metropolis. We can't just drop everything and move here, expect the boys to leave their entire lives behind just so that Jordan can learn to use his powers." Clark said, since while he'd love nothing more than to move back to Smallville and have Jonathan and Jordan live the same simpler life he'd had growing up, but it wouldn't be fair for him to uproot them from their lives and move to a new city, especially in the middle of the school year.

"I think you mean Jonathan's life. It's my understanding that Jordan doesn't have much of a life in Metropolis. Honestly, he always seemed happier, or at least less miserable, when he was here." Martha said.

"I think this is something we should at least consider." Lois said, causing Clark to look at her.

"Really." Clark asked.

"I think that while you're right, we can't just force the boys to uproot their lives from Metropolis in the middle of the school year, but I also know that if we stay there, we run the risk of Jordan exposing us, since we have no idea what the extent of his powers are and he has no idea how to control them yet." Lois said.

"Well, there might be a way we can at least reduce the risk of him exposing his powers. At least for the time being." Clark said.

"How?" Lois asked.

"I'll call Kara, see if she can get the DEO to loan us a power dampener." Clark said.

"You want to suppress Jordan's powers?" Lois asked.

"It'll only be a temporary measure until he learns to control them, since while moving to Smallville is something that we should talk more about, this is a more immediate solution. It'll prevent Jordan from using his powers by accident and it will ensure that he's able to maintain a normal existence." Clark said.

"I can't believe you're considering this." Martha said.

"You think I want to put shackles on my son? I don't. And if Jordan was an only child, I'd say let's start packing to move here tomorrow, but he's not. Jordan may not have much of a life in Metropolis, but Jonathan does and right now is not the time to force him to give it all up." Clark said and now both his wife and mother could tell that he was close to losing his temper with them and that was something that rarely ever happened.

"Clark, I appreciate you trying to take Jonathan's feelings into account, but do you really think he'd be happy knowing that in order for him to keep his life, his brother has to go through his feeling like a prisoner who's committed no crime?" Lois asked and Clark sighed.

"I don't know. But what I do know is that if Jordan is anything like I was when my powers started developing, there will be accidents and suspicions will be raised. At least this way we'll have some aspect of control over the situation." Clark said.

"Well, maybe you should wait until after you take Jordan to the Fortress to find out the extent of his powers before you make any final decisions, since while I would love to have you here to help out around the farm again, since honestly, we made a much larger profit when we had our superpowered son to help out around here, I also understand that you don't want to uproot your family." Martha said.

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