Chapter 11

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Just to be clear, the suit Clark wears right now in this story will be his pre-crisis suit, since I'm still convinced that Superman and Lois takes place on Earth Prime like the rest of the Arrowverse. He'll get the suit he wears now in Superman and Lois later on in the story.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" Jonathan asked his brother as he entered his room not long after his aunt left.

"I'm annoyed that dad is making me wear this stupid dog collar." Jordan said, referring to his new necklace.

"Yeah, it must suck to not be able to use your superpowers. Now you're just a lowly human. So sad." Jonathan said sarcastically.

"Jonathan. You okay?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah, a lot better now. Honestly, the one conversation with Aunt Kara has made me feel a lot better." Jonathan said.

"Glad to hear it." Jordan said.

"Anyways, I think that you should be grateful that you have that thing, since otherwise, it might make things complicated at school. I'm sure dad had his fair share of close calls when his powers started surfacing." Jonathan said.

"You're right, I did. And my dad grounded me every time. At the time I thought he was being too harsh, but now I see he was trying to protect not only me, but our whole family and gave me a normal life." Clark said.

"Everything okay dad?" Jonathan asked.

"Yeah, I just wanted to check in on you both." Clark said.

"What's going to happen to grandpa?" Jordan asked.

"Not sure yet and even if I did know, I couldn't tell you since it's classified." Clark said.

"How's mom holding up?" Jonathan asked.

"Pretty well. We always knew that there was a chance that something like this could happen, since your grandfather has always been relatively paranoid." Clark said.

"Wait, doesn't he know who you are?" Jonathan asked.

"Not anymore. Kara has a friend who specializes in memory alteration." Clark said.

"Sounds like she has a lot of useful friends. Dad, why don't you?" Jordan asked.

"I'm more used to working alone. Probably because that's the way I've always done it and it's a hard habit to break. Besides, your aunt mainly stays in National City, I operate all over the globe." Clark said.

"And he mooches off Kara's tech support when he needs to. Which reminds me, Clark, next time you see her, see if she can have her team make you a new suit like hers." Lois said.

"What's the big deal about Aunt Kara's suit?" Jordan asked.

"Kara's suit uses technology that allows her to conceal it in a wrist watch for easy access, which I will admit, is convenient, but I'm not sure I trust the person who made it as much as she does." Clark said.

"Clark, if Kara trusts her again." Lois said.

"Who are you talking about?" Jonathan asked and Clark sighed, since he knew that this was a conversation that he'd have to have with the boys eventually, he just did not think it would be this soon.

"Lena Luthor." Clark said.

"What's the big deal about that? Aren't the Luthors good guys?" Jordan asked.

"No. They're just really good at hiding the skeletons in their closets. Lena's brother Lex is one of my greatest enemies. Lex Luthor is not the person the world thinks he is. He's a deluded, egomaniacal, psychopathic sociopath who wants nothing more than to kill me and essentially take over the world for himself. Only reason the world has not yet caught on to that is because he's very good at covering his tracks and I have yet to find a way to expose as the criminal he is." Clark said.

"Though Kara told me that her entire news team at Danvers Daily News is working on it as we speak and I've already offered my help." Lois said.

"What about the rest of the Luthor family? Are they just as bad as he apparently is?" Jonathan asked.

"I don't know about his father, since Lionel Luthor died long before I had to deal with Lex, but based on our information, his mother Lillian is a lot like Lex in that regard." Clark said.

"How so?" Jordan asked.

"It's not something we can tell you right now, simply because we don't know it for sure yet." Lois said.

"Okay, what about Lena Luthor?" Jordan asked.

"She's Lex's half sister and supposedly the only living Luthor who isn't a criminal." Clark said.

"She's also one of Kara's most trusted friends to the point where she told her her identity and from there Lena deduced your father's." Lois said, since they couldn't tell Jonathan and Jordan the whole story since they'd agreed that they didn't need to know about the old multiverse, mainly because it was a world where Jordan didn't even exist and it didn't matter anymore.

"If Aunt Kara trusts her, then why doesn't dad?" Jonathan asked.

"Because my experiences with Lex have left me extremely hesitant to trust anyone with the last name Luthor." Clark said, telling them part of the truth.

"But if Aunt Kara trusts her." Jonathan asked.

"That's the only reason I'm willing to give Lena a chance." Clark said.

"Has General Lane revealed anything?" Lillian Luthor asked one of her Cadmus subordinates.

"He doesn't know anything worth revealing." the agent assured her.

"Good. Keep tabs on it. If it looks like he might be close to revealing something, step in." Lillian said, right as their instruments began picking up strange amounts of energy.

"What's going on?" Lillian demanded.

"Ma'am, we're detecting a huge burst of unknown energy in the skies near our location." one of the techs said.

"Any indication what it is?" Lillian asked.

"Getting a visual onscreen and also blinding all other government satellites to the energy surge so it doesn't lead them to us." One of the techs said.

"Good." Lillian said as an image appeared on the monitor of some kind of strange, swirling, greyish blue vortex in the sky.

"What is that?" Lillian demanded.

"Unknown. But look at what's coming out of it." one of the agents said as they saw a ship exit the portal.

"Track it's trajectory and determine its landing site. We'll be there when whatever alien filth lands to put it out of their misery." Lillian said as the agents nodded as they got to work.

"Well, it looks like they had a rocky landing." one of the field agents said to Lillian as they investigated the crash site.

"Search the area in case they escaped." Lillian said, right as the cockpit opened and a man stepped out.

"Please, don't shoot. I'm not an alien." the man said.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Lillian demanded.

"My name is John Henry Irons and I'm here to save your world from the fate of mine." the man said.

"From what exactly?" Lillian asked.

"Superman." John said and now Lillian grinned.

"Take him back to base and take his ship into custody. We'll hear what he has to say." Lillian said, thinking this could be the dawn of their new campaign against Superman.

Brave New World: Superman and Loisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें