Chapter 1

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Clark Kent was currently standing out on the porch of the farmhouse in Smallville that he'd grown up in, staring up at the stars.

"There you are." his wife and the mother of his twin sons, Lois Lane, said as she walked out.

"Hey, are the boys asleep?" Clark asked and Lois nodded.

"Finally. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if maybe they did inherit some of your physiology." Lois said with a chuckle as she leaned into her husband's chest.

"I hope not." Clark said and Lois nodded in agreement, since while she loved that Clark was using his powers to protect the planet, she couldn't deny that she still worried that someday he wouldn't come back, since right now, he was all alone. She honestly wished that Kara would stop listening to what the Danvers said and would put on a cape to help Clark. But at least they were both fully Kryptonian, which meant that they had all their powers. Her sons however were only half kryptonian, which meant that even if they do inherit their father's powers, they may not inherit all of them, which puts them at even greater risk than her husband and while she was proud of Clark, she honestly did not want her sons to lead the same life as him.

"So, what are you thinking about?" Lois asked.

"About what is harder. Being Superman or being Clark Kent." Clark said.

"And what did you decide?" Lois asked.

"Surprisingly, being Superman is easier." Clark said.

"Can't say I'm surprised, since at least when you're Superman, the problems you face are ones you actually know how to solve. Alien invaders, punch them harder than they punch you." Lois said with a chuckle, which Clark shared.

"Yeah, but being Clark Kent, that is much harder, especially being the father of teenagers." Clark said and Lois nodded.

"Tell me about it. Being parents is way harder than anything else we've ever done." Lois said and Clark nodded in agreement.

"But we wouldn't trade it for the world." Clark said and Lois nodded in agreement, since while there were times her sons drove her crazy, she wouldn't trade a minute of the time she'd had with them for anything.

However, suddenly, Clark's ears perked up as he heard something heading their way. Or rather two somethings, flying towards them.

"Is everything okay?" Lois asked.

"We're about to have incoming." Clark said.

"Can you see what it is?" Lois, but right before Clark could use his vision to see, both items touched down and both Clark and Lois sighed in relief at what it was. Or rather, who it was.

"Kara." Lois said happily as she ran up to hug the closest thing she had to a sister-in-law.

"Hey Lois, sorry for not calling ahead, but I wanted to surprise you guys. Are the boys awake?" Kara asked, since even though they lived in different cities, she was very involved in the boys' lives as their favorite aunt, since they saw her far more frequently than they saw Lucy. In fact, they saw more of Clark's family than they did Lois's.

"No, they're asleep. But who is it you brought with you?" Lois asked, since the man who'd come with Kara definitely looked familiar, but she couldn't tell why.

"You'll know in a second Lois." J'onn said as he pressed his fingers to her temple and his eyes glowed red as he restored her memories of the world before the Crisis.

"What did you just do to her J'onn?" Clark asked angrily, but Lois held up her hand to him.

"I'm fine Clark." Lois assured her husband, though she was kind of reeling from the fact that she'd literally gone from having one newborn baby son to two 13 year old sons literally overnight. She was just glad that J'onn had left her memories of this world intact, since at least that way she still had memories of watching her sons grow up.

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