Chapter 19

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I know it seems like I keep crossing this story over with Supergirl, but that's really only because I only have one Superman and Lois season to work with so far, plus, it always annoyed me how there was no mention of Kara or her relationship with Clark in the Superman and Lois show. This is me correcting that.

Clark was currently doing work on the farm while Lois was at work and the boys were at school when his phone rang.

"Hey Kara, what's going on?" Clark asked.

"How would the boys react if I landed a Legion ship on the farm?" Kara asked out of the blue.

"I think that we'd never get them off a spaceship from the future, but why do you have a legion ship?" Clark asked.

"Because Brainy and Imra got their hands on a memory restore that Cisco invented in the future and then decided to travel back to this time period and on their way back, they stopped at Argo and restored my mom's memories and brought her back to Earth." Kara said.

"Wait, your mom is on Earth?" Clark asked, that got his attention.

"Not only that. You know J'onn's brother Malefic right?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, you told me that he was trapped in the Phantom Zone, why?" Clark asked, since Kara had brought him up to speed on everything.

"Well, the Monitor released Malefic from the Phantom Zone and restored his memories, allowing him and J'onn to reconcile, but also, when he did, he told me that I wasn't the only member of the house of El that was stuck in the Phantom Zone." Kara said.

"What do you mean?" Clark asked.

"My father, your uncle, is alive and until yesterday, he was trapped in the Phantom Zone, but we got him back. Long story, I'll tell you when I see you in person, which is now." Kara said.

"I'm on my way. I'll shoot Lois a text about this and that you'll pick her up in the legion ship after the boys get home from school." Clark said.

"Good, that will give us some time to come up with a cover, since I'm guessing we're not telling the boys about Crisis." Kara said.

"Considering that before Crisis, Jonathan wasn't even a year old and Jordan didn't even exist, no we're not." Clark agreed.

"Good. Now get your ass over here. Dad wants to meet you before he and mom go back to Argo." Kara said.

"Speaking of which, I think Lois and I will be taking the boys to Argo for summer vacation." Clark said.

"I'm sure they'd love that. But anyways, get over here now." Kara said.

"Okay, I'll be there in a second." Clark said as he hung up before shooting a quick text, or at least it was quick since he typed it at super speed, to his wife before double checking to make sure no one was around before he changed into his Superman suit and flew off to National City.

"Okay, I need one of these." Clark said as he landed in the Tower, which certainly had not existed on the old earth. It appeared that Kara had been busy.

"Too bad there's no place in Smallville to hide it. Besides, you have a Fortress, I have a Tower." Kara said smugly as she hugged her cousin.

"Hey, it's good to see you. I was getting worried about the no contact thing." Clark said.

"Yeah, sorry about that, but I needed to focus all my energy on the Phantom Zone, since my dad wasn't the only person we had to save from it." Kara said.

"Who else?" Clark asked.

"Alex had the insane idea of going in alone to try and find him for me and I still don't know what she was thinking, but she's still unconscious in the medbay." Kara said.

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