💛Two - A New Pair Of Underwear

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What should I do?

I had no clothes, which meant I had no underwear and the only person who could have underwear that fit me was Harrison, but since I couldn't find Harrison's underwear, that is to wonder if he even had any, my only available option was one of Harrison's diapers.

But I couldn't wear a diaper. It would be extremely embarrassing, specially with the two older girls seeing me.

Jamie took long showers, so I had time to think of something before he got out of the shower, since he also didn't have any clothes left.

I checked through all of Harrison's drawers. They all either had shirts with designs of toddlers, shorts that were definitely way too short for a boy my age, a stupid amount of pacifiers; some still in their boxes, and of course, diapers. This is definitely Harrison's baby drawer, I thought.

With no other options left other than diapering myself or waiting till aunt Melany finished showering Harrison, I once again wrapped the towel around my waist, and headed towards Jess's room.

I took one deep breath and closed my eyes—and I opened Jess's door. They were both laying on the bed scrolling through their phones. Tia had showered on Jess's own bathroom and had a towel around her head while she wore some of Jess's pajamas. Jess also had a towel around her head and was wearing her pajamas.

Well at least someone doesn't have to worry about what they'll wear, I thought.

Tia saw me as I opened the door. "Max! Why haven't you changed yet?" She asked as she stood up and put her phone down.

"Uh, Jess?" I began. "Do you know where Harrison has his underwear? I can't seem to find it."

"He only had 3 pairs. All very toddler-like. He usually puts them on the drawer where he has his diapers. But he already wore all of them this week. He had accidents in all of them." Jess said.

"Why don't you just go to sleep without any underwear?" Asked Tia.

"It's the same reason as why girls wear bras. I'll show my — never mind." I said as I started to leave the room.

"No, wait!" Said Jess as I walked out. "Harrison has a lot of diapers. Maybe you could wear one!"

"I thought about that." I told her, "I'm thinking that that will be my last resource if I can't find anything else."

By the time I walked back to the room, I heard the shower head stop, meaning that Harrison had finished showering, and was heading for a diaper change soon. And I knew that aunt Melany would put me in a diaper as soon as she heard I had no underwear, so I had to act quick.

I looked all over Harrison's drawers, closet, underneath his bed. But no underwear was found. I was hoping I'd find a piece of underwear that Harrison wore before he became a part time baby. As I looked behind his drawer, I found a wet pull-up that had definitely been there for way too long, so I decided to leave it where it was.

So, a diaper it is, I thought, pushing the drawers back to their original position.

As soon as that thought left my head, aunt Melany walked in with Harrison behind her.

"I need a diaper." I told her. I blushed and spoke quickly. What type of guy my age just told their aunts they needed a diaper?

They both looked shocked. But also a bit joyful.

"Max, are you a bedwetter? Do you want to be a baby here, just like my Harry?" Asked aunt Melany as she laid her naked son down on the changing table and started putting the padded underwear on him.

I tried to not break into tears. "No. I just don't have any underwear. We weren't able to pack. A diaper is my only option now."

"I guess you are right, huh?" Said aunt Melany as she finished diapering Harrison. "I could go pack you some clothes first thing tomorrow."

"Why not today?" I asked her with a crack in my voice. But not the puberty voice cracks, the voice cracks where you're trying your best not to cry. "I don't wanna have to wear a diaper."

"Look at the time. It's way too dark outside to go drive. Tomorrow will have to do." Said Melany as she helped Harrison get off the changing table, now fully diapered, and helped on it, removing my towel and leaving me completely naked. 

"This might feel a little weird. But remember, diapers are just different types of underwear." Said aunt Melany, who was unfolding the diaper she was about to put on me.

I closed my eyes. I could feel everything she was doing. I could feel her wiping my diaper area with a baby wipe. I could feel her putting the baby powder on my private parts and on my butt.

"Does Jamie have any clothes? Or will he have to be diapered up as well?" Asked aunt Melany.

She lifted up my legs and put the diaper underneath me. "I don't know." I said. "I think he might need to be diapered up as well."

"Don't be a fuzzy baby, Maxy." Said Harrison.

I would have told him to shut up if it weren't for the fact that we both looked just as ridiculous.

Once aunt Melany was done changing me, she left to go downstairs and wait there till Jamie came out of the shower. I took the opportunity to try to cover up my diaper. This should have been easy—just put some sweatpants on. The trouble was that Harrison was sort of a shorts freak. He had incredibly short shorts in his baby drawers. And the shorts on his closet for when he's being a big kid weren't much better. So as a boy who never really wore shorts, and specially never wore diapers for fun, I knew it was going to be a long night before getting my clothes back.

The word 'Maxy' lingered in my head for the rest of the night. Harrison had called me that, and I just couldn't imagine it being used with the word 'Baby'

Baby Maxy

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