What Happens After?

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Ayato's P.O.V



Where am I?

Why can't I see anyone..

Why can't I see anything..

Where am I?

"You're a killer."

That voice-

"How shameful of you to think you are allowed to fall in love."



Why can't I answer..?

Why can't I say anything..

"You killed me."

"My death should forever linger in that void-like heart of yours."

"Become a man like me, Ayato."

"Cast aside, eradicate your sense of emotions."

"Become a cold man."

"Don't let your feelings get in the way of becoming my disciple."



I frantically sat up while reaching out to nothing. A new background had appeared in front of me; a much darker atmosphere than before..

"Just a dream.. huh.." I said while covering my face with my hand.

I felt sweat trinkle down to my chin as my heartbeat made a sound; short on breath, hot temperatures arising within my room, dry throat.

It felt like I was in hell.


That deam..

I saw my dad, standing in front of me.

His hands inside his pockets, the same habit that I picked up from him.

He told me..

I wasn't allowed to fall in love..

As much as I wanted to rebel against him, in pains me how right he is..

That just had me thinking..

A guy like me; is he allowed to experience romance?


It was 7:30AM in the morning, January 1st. New Years.

Last night, endless of fireworks were being shot into the air, causing a lot of noise.

I had some trouble sleeping, so it wasn't the most pleasant sight.

Adding on, I had endless of New Year wishes from people on the internet and in person.

Including Kei, the girl I was in love with.

Or so..

That's what I hope.

"Ayato! Breakfast."

"Yeah." I groaned while changing into a new attire.

I couldn't help but overthink that dream I had last night.

With every action I made, I could hear the voice of my deceased dad screaming into my ears.

You can't love.

Forbidden Love (Kei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now