It Doesn't Bother Me

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Ayato's P.O.V

Tuesday huh.. Second day at my new school. I'm glad I was able to make a friend at least. But to think that I would already have to do a project on Geography. I packed everything in my bag and took a piece of toast for breakfast and put on my shoes.

"Have a nice day today" said my mom while waving her spatula

"Yeah. I'm going now"

I leave the house for school. My mom was busy today so she couldn't drive me to school, not that it really mattered since I only live like 7 minutes away by car; it's really not that far. With a piece of toast in my mouth, I take a turn to the convenience nearby and buy a water bottle. When I came out, I came across a person whom which I wouldn't have expected to come across.

"Shirogane?" I asked while holding my water. "What are you doing here?"

"This is the route I take when I get to school." she responded in a calm tone. "What about you, Shiro-kun?"

"Looks like we're both in the same boat. I take this route whenever my mom can't drive me to school."

"I see.."

People are totally gonna get the wrong idea if they witness this scene.

"You want something?" I asked why gesturing towards the entrance of the convenience store

"N-no, I'm alright." said Shirogane. And at that time, her stomach growled a bit.

I gave a small smile before going in the store and bought a pack of two rice balls with pickled radishes and handed it to her.

"N-no it's alright. You don't have to do this for me."

"It's my treat. Besides, it would be bad if you went through the entire day hungry, right?"

Shirogane hesitated before taking the rice balls and bowed to show her gratitude.

"I said it before, you don't need to be formal with me. It makes me uncomfortable." I said while shaking my hand.

After that, we both starting walking towards the direction of our school, which was another 3 minutes or so. On the way, Shirogane was eating her rice balls. I'm not gonna lie, she looks pretty cute when she's taking small bites out of it.

"Want a bite?" she asked while handing her rice ball.

"Nah it's fine, it's yours after all."

Even after turning down her request, Shirogane didn't go down and still handed me her rice ball. 

"You sure?"

"You bought this for me, this is the least I can do."

I accept defeat and take a small bite out of the onigiri.

"Are you sure that's all you want?"

I hesitated before leaning in and taking a slightly bigger bite. Shirogane chuckled before saying

"Shiro-kun, you looked cute when you ate the rice ball."

I started blushing uncontrollably before finishing the rest of my water bottle. We arrived at a light-stop until I felt a small body bump into me. It was a kid, around 5 years old? He was crying and scraped his left knee. 

"Hey, are you alright?" I said while squatting. 

The kid slightly nodded.

I went in my bag and found a pack of band aides. Usually, you would want to wash something before putting a band aide on. 

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