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Ayato's P.O.V

Yay, Monday. The BEST day of the goddamn week. You have to wake up early for prison which is referred to as "school", but you can't because you're so used to waking up late for the weekends. I rolled over to check if I got any notifications. And come to my surprise, my super-dry phone actually received one. Althgouth it was only an email from Mr.Kanda.

Hello there Shiro-kun. I'm just emailing you to tell you that since you finished your project early, you're going to present your Geo project with Shirogane-san at the start of Geo class.


What the hell? How did you know that we finished? Well I guess it doesn't really matter at this point since the decision's already made.

I got up from bed and brushed my teeth. I put everything in my school bag and walked into the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning Ayato" said my mom

"Morning.." i said while yawning

I sat at the table and took a bite out of one of the bacon strips.

"Oh right, before I forget." said my mom

"What is it?"

"Your sister is coming back from America."



"Why is she coming back? Doesn't she need to focus on her studies?"

"I actually asked her to come."

"And the reason for that was..?"

"I'm going to Italy."

"For what exactly?"

"I decided that I was going to travel for a bit." said my mom while drinking her coffee. "Sorry I didn't consult you earlier."

"Nah I don't mind. But you know I can live by myself right?"

"No way. It's way to dangerous. Plus, you're not even in high school yet."

"Fine whatever. When is Akane coming?"

"Not sure."

".. You don't seem too surprised about my sudden voyage."

"You've always wanted to go there and you've always whined about it, so I won't get in your way."

I finished the last bit of my scrambled eggs, put on my shoes and headed out for school. I'm surprised that I'm so reluctant to having Akane back. There's nothing wrong with her, except that she's an annoying older sister who's obnoxiously loud.

I was on my way, about to pass the convenience store until I heard someone say my name,

"Good morning Shiro"

I turned and saw Shirogane running towards me.

"Oh, good morning to you too, Shirogane."

"Since you're here, wanna walk to school together?"

"Sure, why not."

Shirogane and I started walking towards school together. Considering that we've done this before already, I wasn't really, what do you call it... flustered. I actually don't get too flustered that often now that I think about it. It's just... some things don't really bother me, or shock me I guess.. But other then that, I actually like walking with someone. It makes me a lot more secure.

"Oh yeah, did you get an email from Mr.Kanda?" asked Shirogane

"Yeah I did. Were you the one who told him that we finished our project early?"

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