Annoyance 2

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Kei's P.O.V



"Where am I?"

"Where is everyone?"

"What's going on?"

"Why can't I see anything?"

Nothing but darkness, emptiness, loneliness filled the girl's mind. There was no one.. Not a single soul currently present. She was...




"Please don't leave me here!"



Where am I?

It's really dark, really quiet. I can hear my own breathing, and another's person breathing as well. 

Why do I feel arms wrapped around my head? Who's arms are these? And.. why are they so warm..

I tried looking around my surroundings and saw a pair of eyes looking at me. It was...Shiro.


Why are Shiro's arms wrapped around my head? Where am I even? 

Don't tell me..

I was sleeping with Shiro!?!?

"You good, Shirogane?" asked Shiro out of the blue

"H-huh? What do you mean?"

"You looked like you were having a nightmare."

Oh right, I remember.. I was having a bad dream.. 
In that dream, I was...

"I-I'm fine.."

"You sure?"


Shiro didn't seem satisfied with that answer.

"If you ever feel uncomfortable in a situation, don't be afraid to reach out to me."


Why is Shiro talking to me like that?

"What's with you-"

Shiro had covered my mouth with his hand.

"I can't stand watching you suffer while knowing the fact that I could've changed that outcome."

Shiro was just looking at me. One hand under my head, the other covering my mouth.

He looked stupidly cool for some reason.

"Hehe, what's this. Acting all cool in front of a pretty girl?"

"This is how I always act."

"Calm, collected and arrogant?"

"All but the arrogant part. Besides aren't you the arrogant one for calling yourself pretty?" said Shiro while forming a smirk on his face


Shiro chucked a bit, before saying,

"You really are though.."


Wait why is my face becoming hot? Am I blushing? 

No, there's no way. There's no way I could be blushing right now.. Why? This is embarrassing..

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