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There's a tale as old as time. A tale that will make anyone think twice before disobeying their elders.
A tale so dark and sinister it makes even the sick and twisted shiver. There's a tale that's been with the people of North Carolina for decades now. A tale about a young girl who left home and never came back.
Some say she was kidnapped by the hooded man, others say she willingly joined his side. People even believe that she went crazy and just disappeared.
What ever the case may be, she left and never came back. And now because of her we have an even more twisted tale to tell.
A tale that makes even young curious children scared to leave their houses. A tale about a man and a women. A gruesome couple so twisted they say you can feel the darkness radiating off them before they take your life.
They devastate cities and destroy families. One by one they pick off the people of North Carolina. They know no mercy, a curious body is a dead body. So don't let curiosity corrupt your mind and lead to a lonesome death.
Everyone has a story about the twisted couple so believe one and don't ask questions.
Some say you can hear their boots crunching against the pavement at night and if you've got a death wish you might even be able to get a glimpse at their shadows as they hold hands and stroll through the town. They make themselves very much at home here in Carolina but no one would even attempt to try and throw them out of town. They're everywhere yet they've never been seen. They're mysterious and stealthy but no one dares to search for them and try to put them in jail. The people learned a long time ago that no one is safe, not even the police. After a detective was kidnapped and murdered whatever sliver of hope and safety was left soon vanished. Everyone quickly realized that there was nothing they could do and because of that the tale became even more real than it was before. A tale that strikes fear into even the most guarded hearts. Everyone shares this fear because they know no one is safe, one wrong step could lead them to a painful death. The whole town is filled with terror because they know all too well that they could be the next in line. A town so filled with fear shouldn't even exist but yet it does. People hide in their homes and pray not to have an uninvited visitor in their houses at night.
One killer was scary enough but two? Now scared is an understatement.
Yet, just as always these are only stories we like to tell in the dark. Merely tales that entertain us at night. But we know better than to underestimate them. Somewhere out there, there's a man and women watching. Simply observing everyone and everything. Plotting their next target, preparing their next mission. They pick off the meek and torture the powerful. They're skillful and crafty and they fear no man. They're a bringer of death and they end life. Their darkness flows through the town and everyone can fill it but yet no one can see it. No one can predict when darkness will pull someone into the grave. No one knows when their last days will be or even when they will take their last breath. No one knows how much time they have left with their families or their lovers. No one even knows if the sun will rise for them the next morning. But one thing everyone knows is that no one is safe from the couple's torture. No amount of money or social status will save you. No cry or plea for help will stop the pain they'll inflict on you. And when you've reached your last breath no one will hear you scream. In the woods you're alone with the killers and no one will save you. Not a soul survives them, not a single person that has disappeared has ever returned. The kidnapped simply become another name on the bulletin board in city hall. Another grave with out a body in the large cemetery that rests on the outer rim of our small town. Families mourn and weep for their lost loved ones but everyone knows they will never return. When the killers come to town you're as good as dead. Everyone knows you have no fighting chance. This is what life has come to. Our minds are corrupted by the violence we've been exposed to. Oh this sick world we live in. The twisted people that willingly lead others to the end. But there's nothing anyone can do about it. What do you do when death comes creeping onto your porch? When The sharp blade of the enemy comes to slit your throat? When you're just another soul to disappear? What happens when your very shadow makes your heart leap out of your chest?
What do you do when you can't see who's coming for you but some how you can tell they're there?
There's only one thing you can do.
Hide! Run and hide! Just like the tale tells you.
Don't look back, don't make a scene. Don't be a target unless a shallow grave is what you please.
Lurking in the shadows is a force more violent then the human mind can even imagine.
So don't question the tale. Don't underestimate the killers. Difference is good until you stand out from the crowd, then you're a target, so don't make a scene because they see you. They see everything, they know when you're sleeping and they know when you're out in the town. Don't ever let your guard down or test the truthfulness of the tale because they will find you and they will make you pay for you're stupidity.
A tale as old as time but the guidelines of our life today. Listen to the tale, don't disobey. Be in bed by six, awake by seven and your chances of survival will be higher.
Lock your windows and shut your doors because one invitation is all it takes to pull you're soul straight into the grave.

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