𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

615 19 53

I can hear footsteps marching around the room as I hug the nearest pillow. My mind is awake but my eyes refuse to open.
I feel like I'm floating in between consciousness as I hear the footsteps stomping through the room.
My body is still, frozen almost as I drift in between the realm of sleep and reality.
Suddenly I feel something hit the bed. It's small and light so I know it wasn't a person.

"Stella," I hear a calm voice say.

I stretch and yawn in response. My eyelids are still heavy as I snuggle deeper into the pillow.

"Stella!" I hear the voice yell. This time I can sense a bit of irritation laced in the voice.

"Hmm?" I question as I roll over onto my back.

"Wake up," the voice tells me. I feel the bed dip to the left side of me.

"Why? What time is it?" I question as I keep my eyes closed.

"It's three a.m.," he tells me as his hand tangles in mine.

"And why do I need to wake up?" I question as I roll over into him.

"Because I have a task for you," Wednesday admits.

My eyes flutter open and I look up at him.
His face is painted white on the bottom and black on the top. A dark cloak covers his body and the hood drapes over his eyes.

"What's going on?" I question as I notice his serious expression.

Wednesday sighs and stands up. I watch as he grabs a stack of folded clothing and places them next to me.

"Put those on, I have an assignment for you," Wednesday tells me as he crosses his arms over his chest.

I give him a suspicious look as I observe his body language. His shoulders are tense and his hands clench against his biceps.
I frown as I swing my legs off the bed and grab the outfit next to me. Considering Wednesday's mood I know it wouldn't be smart to test him right now.
I stand and pick up the three pieces of fabric. A pair of thick but stretchy pants, a black short sleeve shirt and a cloak make up the outfit.
I look over at Wednesday but I can tell he's not ready to explain what this is all about yet.
I pull my shirt over my head and pull off my shorts quickly before tugging on the pants and the short sleeve shirt. Both of them hug my figure and they feel flexible.

"Put on the cloak," Wednesday tells me as he watches me with a blank expression.

"Why?" I ask as I match his same cold demeanor.

"You're going to need it. Now put it on before I lose my patience with you," Wednesday threatens.

I narrow my eyes at him and scoff but slip the cloak on.
Wednesday walks over to me and pulls up the hood so that it covers my face.

"Come on," he tells me as he grabs my hand and leads me into the bathroom.

"Wednesday, are you ready to explain what's going on?" I ask as he picks me up and sets me down on the bathroom counter.

Wednesday's expression is blank as he pulls out a container with face paint in it.
He grabs a brush and begins painting the black substance on my face. I stare at him as he focuses on covering my skin.

"Wednesday-," I start.

"Close your eyes," he commands.

I sigh but comply so that Wednesday can finish painting my face completely black.
He pulls the brush away from me and I open my eyes again.
I stare up at him and he smiles slightly.

"What are you scheming?" I question as I see a glint of excitement in his eyes.

Wednesday's expression goes cold again as he picks me up off the counter. He sets me down gently and readjust the hood on my head.

Prey For MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora