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"Wednesday... what exactly are you going to do?" I question as Wednesday stops the car near a dark wooded area.

He smirks and looks over at me.

"Well he knows who I am now, so," he shrugs as he opens his door.

I watch as he hops out of his truck and walks around it towards the back. I sigh as I debate on whether or not I'm going to help him.
Part of me wants no part in this. Wednesday's a sick twisted man and I don't even want to know how dark his mind can get. But at the same time Wednesday did try his best to protect me from this guy, and this guy did try to slit my throat so...

I sigh as I get out of the truck and walk towards the back where Wednesday is.

"Whatever you're going to do, can we make it quick?" I ask as I stand beside Wednesday nervously.

He opens the door to the trunk, exposing the man. The man's eyes go wide and he starts squirming. I frown as I remember when Wednesday tied me up and put me in the back of this truck. I was probably just as scared as this guy.

"Stella, go wait in the truck," Wednesday tells me. His eyes don't move from the man's.

"What?! why?" I question as I look up at him.

Wednesday sighs as he looks down at me.

"Because you're still innocent when it comes to this stuff. You don't need to see this," Wednesday tells me.

I frown.

"Why? What are you going to do?" I ask him.

Wednesday lets out a frustrated breath.

"Just wait in the truck," Wednesday tells me.

He grabs the man and drags him out of the truck and down onto the dirt.

"But Wednesday! I want to help," I tell him as he begins dragging the man away from the car.

"No Stella," he tells me.

"But what if he hurts you?" I retort.

"I'll be fine," he huffs.

"But-," I start.

"Stella! Wait in the truck!" Wednesday snaps.

I raise an eyebrow at him as he stares at me.
He sighs and takes a couple deep breaths.

"Stella please, you don't want to be like me. You don't need to hurt anyone. Wait in the truck," Wednesday frowns as he stares at me.

I study his eyes and notice there's a hint of disappointment in his expression.
I sigh as I realize Wednesday's just looking out for me as weird as that sounds. I stuff my hands into my pockets and turn around. I head back to the front of the truck and hop back into the passenger side. I bite my lip nervously as I place my hands in my lap and twirl my thumbs. I pull the door to the truck shut and sit as patiently as possible.

I can hear Wednesday dragging the man further away from the car as the man struggles against the restraints.
I sit up a little and look through the rearview mirror, I can see Wednesday dragging the man back further into the woods. There's a grin on his face as he reaches into his back pocket.
I feel myself shiver as I sit back down and sink into my seat.
There was something different in Wednesday's eyes, compared to the way he looks at me when he's getting ready to hurt me. There was something darker in his stare. A glint in his eyes.
I study his expression in my mind so that if he decides to kill me one day I'll know exactly what look indicates that.

I sink my teeth deep into my bottom lip as I wait.
It seems like hours pass before I hear a bone chilling scream.
I frown as I fidget in my seat. I know that scream didn't come from Wednesday.
I try my best to zone out the sounds of the man screaming.
I close my eyes and think of my parents and what they might be doing at home. Are they looking for me like that one family did or have they just accepted the fact that I might never see them again.
I frown as I stare out the window and over at the flowing stream. The sun peaks through places in the trees, casting little rays of light down on the grass below.

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