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I look out the window of the car as Wednesday squeezes my hand in his. The sun has fully risen now and the sky is bright blue.

"Wednesday, are you taking me to another cliff?" I question as he continues driving through the woods.

Wednesday rolls his eyes at me.

"Not right now, no," he mutters as he focuses on the road.

There's something off about him. His hand keeps flexing around mine and he keeps looking down at his phone every so often. His facial expression has turned serious and hardened like stone.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

He nods and flicks on his turn signal. I watch as he looks over his shoulder before turning through the woods and descending down a hill. I feel my stomach twist with jitters as our surroundings turn dark because of the mature trees.
After Wednesday and I finished our conversation he brought me back to his truck and told me he had to go pick something up.
Ever since then his mood has turned cold.
I look around us as we pull up into a driveway. Wednesday puts on the brake and stops the truck.

"Where are we?" I question as I look over at him.

Wednesday releases my hand and looks at me with the same serious expression.

"Stella, I need you to listen very closely. I need to go take care of something. And I need you to stay here and out of sight," he tells me.

"Why? What's wrong?" I question.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just not supposed to have people with me," he mutters as he opens the door to the truck.

I'm confused and slightly panicked by the situation as Wednesday opens my door and grabs my hand again.

"Come on," Wednesday whispers.

I hop out of the truck as quietly as possible and follow Wednesday as he leads me to the back of his truck. Wednesday opens the trunk and pulls out a large bag.

"I need to put this over you so that you're out of sight, okay?" He says as he opens the bag.

"But wait, where are we even?" I question as I feel myself start to panic even more.

Wednesday pulls the bag towards me and I go to say something but he quickly covers my mouth with his hand. I feel my eyes go wide as I watch him look around.

"He knows I'm here. Quick in the bag," Wednesday whispers as he pulls the bag over my head.

I feel myself begin shaking as Wednesday wraps the bag completely around me. I feel like I'm being kidnapped again.
Wednesday picks me up and sets in down in the trunk of his truck.
I don't say anything as I hear him shut the doors. I try to keep as quiet and still as possible as I hear Wednesday's boots crunching against the floor.
I don't know why Wednesday seems so on edge or why he kept refusing to tell me where we are.

I wait as patiently as possible for him to return. My ears strain to hear the thinnest bit of sound as I remain still and silent in the dark bag.
With each passing second I start to get more and more worried. What if he's kidnapping me again? What if he's selling me to the guy he mentioned? What if he doesn't come back? Am I just supposed to stay in this bag forever?
I feel my heart beat start to speed up and my skin turns clammy as my mind starts racing.
What if Wednesday lied about loving me and he's actually giving me away?

I go to open the bag and make my escape when I hear the sound of four feet crunching against the dirt road. My breath catches in my throat and I freeze as I hear two voices talking back and forth.

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