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The floor is cleaned, slightly stained. And dads body was nothing but ash in the fireplace.  Jeff washed his hands and took another bite of the chicken sandwich. Only for pure disappointment and sadness to frown upon his face.  It had gone cold and bitter.  I stood hunched over the kitchen island.  Starring at the fire place.  Comprehending that dad was finally gone.  I didn't have to deal with his bullshit either anymore.  Nor did I have to go to school.  I could just un-enroll myself under his name.  I was free from his control.  This is my house now.  My fears are disappearing. Because of murder.

"How do you feel?" Jeff spoke. Breaking me away from my thoughts, bringing me back to reality.
"I.. feel great.. He's finally gone.." I mumbled with a smile.  I felt glorious.  As if I ruled this world.  I looked over to Jeff, I saw him smile for a change.  Not just a little smirk. A smile. One that wasn't cut into his face.  Jeff reached over and ruffled my hair.  "Glad you're happy bud"  I felt warmth from his hand, and I felt even warmer inside.  This man had ended the person holding me back for years.  Jeff freed me.  I scooted over and hugged him.

"Thank you" I whispered into his ear.

Jeff POV: (finally lol)

Y/n pushed his body against mine for the hug.  I had finally done something right in his eyes.  I'm on the right track now..  I return the hug and it felt great.  Embracing each other.  Just the best feeling in the world.  Suddenly the joy from both of us scattered out as static began to form.  We could both hear it.  Slender appeared looking down on me.  Only me.  We stopped hugging and I stood straight up.  

Be formal Jeff.. Don't upset him..- Don't wanna get your ass beat when you get home- Unfortunately I can't help but think this just about every time i'm around him.  And I know damn well he heard it.

"Return home for the next mission." Slender spoke.  Then he just disappeared.

I sigh and scratch my head "It's always at the worst fuckin timing."
"What mission-?" y/n asked.  I guess he was confused and hadn't read something about it on whatever websites he was able to find. 
"Murder missions, just the normal.  I go kill people, steal their valuables i want, so on"
"Oh. Okay." He said.  I guess this is his way of agreeing it was a the worst fucking time to get a mission.  I started walking to his room and crawled out his window again. Looking up at him following me to the window. "I'll be back later darling~!" I say as I run off laughing to myself. The face y/n made from that was so worth it.

Jeff disappears into the distance, making his way to the forest.

Jeffthekiller x male y/nKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat