Another Encounter

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My hearts racing, he's getting closer.  I stared to back up and I hit my desk, knocking off my pens and pencils.  

"Why running away?"
"Why should I?"
"Just stop.."

He's backed me up into my desk, his hands went over the desk and now he's towered over me.  Looking down on me.  All I could feel was fear.  I was frozen.

I was able to move again and I pushed him off me, catching my breathe and held a pencil as a weapon, facing him.  He looked at me shocked. 

"I.. told you to stop."  I was shaken up, I always told myself i'd just push the other person away in these situations.  But when you're in them its horrifying, you just freeze and awkwardly stay there.

"Sorry" He responded, looking away.  Was he trying to fuck me?  Was he gonna kill me?  What did he want with me?

"What the hell where you doing!  You scared the shit out of me!  Do you have any fucking idea how scary what you just did was for me?!" I practically screamed at him.

"Hey hey shut the hell up!  You're going to wake your folks." he spoke as he covered my mouth.  I hushed up quietly and we both listened, as I heard creaking of the floors, and footsteps.  Jeff let go of me and hurried into my closet.  Silently, he was fast but silent.  It was like he wasn't even there, like a ghost.

My dad peeked into my room, looking down to me.  "What's with all the noise in here."  He demanded an answer.  "It's.. just me dad.."  "Keep it down.  Im trying to sleep you brat."  "Yes sir.."  He slammed my door shut and went back to his room.  Jeff quietly got out and whispered, "You're dad sounds like an asshole"
"He is, now leave so I can sleep."
"Why not just kill him?"
"You don't kill people on a normal basis, I hope you know that."
"Yes. Now leave. Im tired and my eyes hurt."

There was a little bit of silence.  "Okay I know your eyes probably hurt too.  How are you not blind or crying from the dryness-"
"I'll never tell~"
... "Fuck you"
I stuck my middle finger up at him then pointed to the window.  Jeff rolled his eyes and climbed out.

I sighed in relief and locked the window behind him.  Then made sure everything was locked, before laying down to finally sleep.  Although I felt watched..  I sat up and looked around, only to see nothing.  Finally, I passed out and i'm able to sleep.

Jeffthekiller x male y/nWhere stories live. Discover now