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Following the morning routine..  Eat, shower, brush, dress and leave.  Avoiding dad and leaving before he got up for 'work'.  I went to school shamelessly, Hannah wouldn't be there.  I can just pretend she's sick!  And everyone else will think the same thing too.  But.. On the walk there.. I felt followed, and watched.  Often times looking around, and listening closely to cars passing by.

School went normally for once, I didn't get picked on.  Hannah wasn't there to guide her followers.  So I was free from it all now.  The only hiccup was PE, but that had always been the same till it got out I was gay, the others in the locker room would pick on me, slap me with towels, and yell slurs.  But it wasn't to bad, easy to ignore and move on.  I still felt watched though...

Lunch time came and I left campus to grab some mc-donalds (why not lol) 

The feeling of being watched grew even more, then i spotted him.  Jeff was right at another table, the same clothes except they where clean.  Wearing a mask to hide his scars.  I glared at him with a "what the hell" face.  He just shrugged at me and laughed quietly.  I went to his table and sat down, whispering.

"What the hell are you doing here! Have you been stalking me all day?!" I whisper shouted
"Nah I just got hungry and happened to end up here, at the same time as you."
"Oh? Then show me your order."

He just sat there, not having one to show.  I bet he didn't think i'd ask to see it.  

"Why have you been stalking me all day."
"It's not stalking, i'm observing DUH"
"Okay. Observing.  Why are you 'observing' me."
"I don't know, I don't have much to do"
"Well quit it!  You're creeping me out.  Fucking weirdo.."

I went back to my table and grabbed my food, then just left.  Why was he following me and stalking me all day?  Is he mad that I pushed him off last night?  No, he apologized.  He probably didn't mean it that time.  But what the fuck?  Does he like me or something?  Ohhhh god what if he kills someone just because he got jealous?  He murders like- everyday.  He wouldn't think twice.  

I made it back to school, and one of Hannahs old friends grabbed my bandaged hand and squeezed.  It made it bleed a bit and hurt like hell.

"OW!" I yelled, drawing my hand away from her.  "What was that for?!"  I yelled again.  She just laughed at me and continued walking off.  She did that just to hurt me.  And holy fuck it worked.  Now my hand aches worse than it was already.  God why did that asshole have to put a whole hole in my fucking hand!  It's been hard to even write all damn day ugh!


Okay okay enough crying and bitching about the pain.  Lets just ditch the rest of the day..  I start to leave campus, quietly and doing my best to avoid the cameras, then took off running home.  I saw Jeff hiding behind a tree on the way but ignored him.  I just kept running, wanting to get home quickly.

I got home, dad had already gone.  I flopped on my bed and groaned. Only to hear knocking on my window.

I sit up quickly and look over, Jeff was at the window.  I sighed and opened it.

"You ditchin?" he said, whilst making his way inside through my window.
"Why do you care?"
"Cause ditching school got my ass whooped"
"Well lucky me. I don't get that"  I rolled my eyes and flopped on my bed again.  I just wanted to sleep.

"Please leave, I wanna take a nap"
"Then nap, I don't care"
"I don't want my stalker in the house while I sleep idiot."
"Oh hush, not like i'm gonna kill you"

I groaned, he chuckled a bit and started to roam around my house.  I stayed in bed and got comfortable quickly.  I hear Jeff rummaging through the kitchen, but I don't get up.  Why is my bed suddenly so comfy?  

I doze off without another thought.  Last I remember hearing is a soft "sweet dreams~" from Jeff.

Jeffthekiller x male y/nWhere stories live. Discover now