Ally gave me a confused look.

"I mean think about it. She doesn't come to school on the most important day of her softball season because she claims that she's "sick". But the Lauren Jauregui we know would have came anyway and kicked ass. And to top that off, she's been distant again. And when she's like that it's usually because there's something wrong." I explained. "And I just, I have to make sure she's okay. Because lately, she's been really close..."

"Really close to what?" Mani asked with her brows slightly furrowed.

"To becoming me." I said averting everyone's gaze.

"You?" Ally asked.

"The me I was back then when I almost... you know."

Dinah put a supportive hand on my shoulder, while the other girls nodded understandingly.

"And I just... I don't want her too completely fall into the void like I did." I said knitting my brows, "Because once you do, it's hard to get out."

"So what are you going to do?" Ally asked.

"I need to see her." I simply said getting up.

"But your dad just said-" Ally began as the girls blocked my way.

"-I know but I feel better now guys. Please, just let me go through."

"Well?" Ally asked looking back and forth between Mani and Dinah.

"Fine." Dinah sighed before she moved aside, "But you better come back fast. We can't stall for you forever."

I apreciatevly at the girls before I made my way past them and towards the window.

"Wait Mila, you're not seriously going out the window are you?" Mani asked wide eyed.

"Lauren does it all the time, I'm sure I'll be fine." I said waving my hand dismissively.

"But she's Lauren..." Ally pointed out.

"Yeah... and you're you." Dinah added referring to my clumsiness as her worried face watched me open the window.

"I got this." I assured them.

They watched me as I threw one leg over and practically lost my balance. I caught myself by grabbing onto the ledge. I took a deep breath before I gave them a thumbs up.

They all looked as of they were going to have heart attacks but none the less, I threw my other leg over and was off.

Although I didn't have a very good grip, I was able to carefully make my way down by using the fence on the side of my window.

Once on the ground, I didn't even take the time to fix myself up, I walked straight to Lauren's door and rang the bell. I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for the door to open. In the wake of my impatience a car pulled up beside the drive way. I turned to see a gray minivan full of girls from the swim team. I cocked my brow in confusion before I turned back to meet Taylor who had been waving at the car behind me. She was in her swim warm up and held her sports bag in her hand. Her eyes then met mine and froze. She cocked her brow at me as she took in my appearance.

"Woah." She finally managed to breath. "What happened to you? It looks like you got run over by a truck."

I shook my head lightly before I met her eyes again,"It's a long story but can I talk to your sister?"

Taylor furrowed her brows in confusion, "Uh, She's not here...she left before I even got home."

"Shit." I muttered to myself. "Are you sure that she's not up there?"

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