chapter 13 "Wait did you just call me a pickle-faced chicken"

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I watch Stiles walk out of the classroom and I can still smell his arousal, ha now he knows how I feel. See know Stiles, it's not as easy as you think, suppressing your desires' resisting the urge to think about her. I mean fuck, all I can think about is her, her smile, the way how she  licks her lips when she nervous, the way she smells when she's excited, how she's so soft spoken, the way her big thighs look when she walks. I want her, and honestly if someone asked me  "Do you like Ulani '' right this second, I don't even think I'd be able to say no. There's just something, NO everything about her pulls me in.

I start brainstorming, why do I feel like this about a girl I just met. Why is that everything she does drives me crazy. And why in the hell am okay with Stiles liking her too, I mean shit, I know that he is my best friend and all, but seriously. I mean back then, you know when I was totally head over heels for Allison (which was just a few hours ago) I would hate the thought of Stiles liking her too. But now I'm suddenly okay with the thought of sharing the same woman with him, that just can't be normal.

Wait, what if she's some kind of supernatural. What is it called again, that sex demon thing. I think it's called a Sucabus...... wait a Succubus!!!!!. But Ulani just seems like the most precious creature to ever walk the earth. Oh looks like Stiles is back after 15 min of jerking off in the school bathroom.

Just what is this girl doing to us?

I'll just ask Deaton about it later.


Well it's the end of the day and my emotions are all over the place. I just want to get out of here and cuddle on the couch with seven. I've gone through so many emotions I've never felt before.

I am waiting at the main entrance for Issac, were gonna pick up seven from daycare, go to the store and pick up some junk food and ice cream, which I know that Seven will love. I'm just sitting here patiently waiting next thing I know "BOO!!!" I Scream bloody murder and my fist instinctively flew out to defend "Ah Shit motherfucker1!!!!! THAT REALLY HURT BABE" I opened my eyes just to see my new best friend holding his cheek

                      "OMG Issac i'm so sorry I didn't know it was you, wait no actually, that's what you get you pickle faced chicken. Now are you ready to pick up seven or are you just going to stay on the floor all day." I helped him up. "Yes, I'm so ready to meet precious little Seven. Wait, did you just call me a pickle faced chicken." I ignored his last question, "C'mon you goofball, my cars that way."


We pull up to the daycare center "Stay here. I dont want you scaring him off with you and your giant self." I walk to the door and walk to the front desk "Hi there, i'm here to pick up Seven Marie." the front desk looks up at me and gives me a disgusted look. "Umm, I'm gonna need identification. And what is your name and what is your relationship with the child" I give her a "are you serious" look while I pull out my ID "I didn't need to do that this morning, miss, may I ask why I have to do it now." I hand it to her, and she still looks at me as if I'm a suspicious person. "Look miss "Marie" if that's even your real name, I am aloud to ask this to anybody I deem suspicious." Is this woman serious right now.

" Well since you HAVE to know, he's my little brother." She is still looking at my ID, probably trying to look for any type of clue that says it's fake. Which is not "So sorry then, only his parents are allowed to pick him up. Unless you have any documents that say otherwise." the woman says with a sweet fake smile. "Oh great then, I have his guardianship papers in my car." Her smile immediately drops.

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