Sports Festival!

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(I'm surprised people are reading this story. Like it has 1.76 thousand reads. like wow. I do have other stories too if you want to check them out.)

The camera opens up to Smaug laying on his gold pile in the living room. Kobayashi is laying face down into a pillow on the couch. Kanna is telling Kobayashi about the sports festival. 

Kobayashi:"Work that day. Can't."

Kanna's world shatters. Then she goes over and starts to shake Kobayashi.

Kanna:"Kobayashi. Take the day off."

Kobayashi:"I can't do that."

Tohru comes over.

Tohru:"Kanna, Miss Kobayashi's in the middle of her death march and on the verge of facing Hades. Give it up."


Tohru:"Also, what is a sports festival?"

Smaug's head pops up from behind the couch.

Smaug:"Yeah, it sounds interesting."

Kanna:"You train with everyone to defeat strong opponents."

Kobayashi:"No, I don't think that's quite right."

Then Kanna shakes Kobayashi again.

Kanna:"Kobayashi, come! Defeat Hades!"

Tohru:"Don't be selfish. At least I'll be sure to come for you."

Smaug:*Raises a hand in the air.* "Me too."


Smaug's heart then shatters and he falls back into his gold pile.

Smaug:*Soul leaving his body.* "Why does she hate me?"

Tohru pokes Kanna's cheek.

Tohru:"Why does it have to be Miss Kobayashi?"

Kanna:"Saikawa said mothers and fathers come with us. Lady Tohru, you're like a big sister and lord Smaug is a big brother. Kobayashi's like a mother."

Smaug's soul returns to his body and he sits back up. His eyes have stars in them.

Smaug:"She loves me."

Kobayashi sits up on the couch. Tohru is holding Kanna.

Kobayashi:"A mother? I'm not that old.... Wait. Some of my old classmates do have children already..."

Tohru:"Miss Kobayashi, hang in there!"

Kobayashi:"Wall, at any rate, I can't. Sorry, but you'll have to make do with Tohru and Smaug."

Tohru:"Make do?"

Smaug:"Hey, I'm awesome."

Kanna:"Forget it!" *She goes to her room.*

Tohru:"Ah, Kanna!"

Smaug:"She's sad."

Kobayashi:"Is it that important whether a parent shows up or not? For one thing, I'm not exactly Kanna's mother anyway."

Tohru:"But Kanna does tend to view you as her mother."

Kobayashi:"I'm not that great though. I never had both my parents come to a sports festival. They were busy with work. I understood they were supporting our family, too."

Tohru:"Kanna's parents basically gave her free rain. They felt a dragon would grow up strong on its own. They probably told her to live strong since she bears the name Kanna Kamui. But Kanna's pulled many different pranks to try and get her parents' attention, To the point she was banished to this world..."

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