Kanna Goes to School! Part 2

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The camera opens up to Kanna in a classroom standing at the front introducing herself. Then the camera looks outside to show a tree. Then Tohru's and Smaug's head pops out.

Tohru:"It looks like her introduction went well."

Smaug:"Yes it has."

They remember what Kobayashi told them.

Kobayashi:*Memory.*"Watch over Kanna, okay?"

Tohru:*Giggles.*"Leave it to me, Miss Kobayashi."

Smaug:"Don't forget me!" *Tohru punches his head and Smaug almost falls out of the tree.*

A little later Kanna and her class are doing math. The Question is..


Tohru is now laying on a branch with her head resting on her hand. Smaug is hanging upside down watching them.

Tohru:"What a boring problem. Kanna wanted to do things like that?"

Smaug:"Looks kind of hard."

Tohru:"It's because your upside down."


Kanna solves the problem.

Tohru:'Such an inefficient way to learn.'

Smaug:'I feel light headed.'

Tohru:'Putting them in different classes based on their abilities would help them grow faster.'

Smaug falls from his branch onto one below him.

Later Kanna's class is outside playing. Smaug and Tohru peak out from behind the bushes.

Tohru:"It seems to be some game of hitting each other with a ball. A fighting game for Barbaric humans.

Smaug:*Stars in his eye.*"Awesome."

Kanna gets the ball and takes a couple of kids out.

Tohru:"No mercy, huh?"

Smaug:"Just like our Kanna."

A bunch of kids praise Kanna.

Later in the day. Tohru, Kanna, and Smaug are walking home. Kanna is eating candy.

Tohru:"Still, fake crying, What a roundabout way to settle things, Kanna. I would've just blasted them away."

Smaug:"I would have ate them."


Tohru:"Why did you decide you wanted to go to school?"

Kanna:"Because it was fun watching them."

Smaug:"Was it fun?"


Tohru:"I think there will be some aspects that aren't fun, as well."


Tohru:"There's no real need for us to be same as humans. Living among them doesn't mean living with them."

Kanna:"But they're close by, and we share time together, so... Maybe that's why I want to be with them."

Tohru:"Be with them...I've seen plenty of my comrades destroy themselves, unable to be satisfied with that. But, well...For now, I'll affirm that choice, too."

Smaug:"I starting to like this place. Humans may not be so bad. I want to stay a little while longer."

Later that night. Everyone is at the dinner table eating. Kobayashi is drinking... again.

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