Smaug's Real World Lessons.

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The camera opens up to Smaug sleeping on the couch in the living room. Then he is woken up by Tohru yelling.

Tohru:"Miss Kobayashi! Kanna! Smaug! Breakfast is ready!"

Then the camera shows everyone eating. Smaug down his soup.

Kobayashi:"This miso soup is good."

Tohru:"Thank you. I made it using only ingredients from this world, too."

When everyone is done eating Kobayashi and Kanna get ready to leave.

Kobayashi/Kanna:"We're off!"

Tohru:"Yes, watch out for cars! Kanna. make sure you don't destroy them if you run into one."

Smaug:"But if you do. Kill the human and eat any witnesses."


Then they leave and once the door closes.

Tohru:"Yes! This morning I wasn't chastised by Miss Kobayashi for any mistakes. It was a perfect morning."

Smaug:"I'm surprised."

Tohru:"What does that mean!"

Smaug just shrugs his shoulder and goes to the couch and sleep. Tohru just cleans the apartment. When she's vacuuming she just lifts the couch Smaug's on then sets it back down. Smaug's still asleep.

A little while later. The whole place is spotless.

Tohru:"I must be improving my skills as a maid. Perhaps that means I'm getting used to this world, too?" *Then she notices birds attacking the laundry outside. Tohru just blasts them to bits.* 

Then she walks back inside and sees Smaug eating some food.

Smaug:"Birds again?"

Tohru nods. Smaug turns around and accidentally trips and drops his food on the floor creating a mess. 

Smaug:"Aww man. Now I'll have to eat it off the floor." *Then he feels a killing arua and turns around and sees Tohru mad.* "Hey can we..." *She blasts him.*

Then the camera shows Tohru fixing the porch then Tohru sitting on the couch. Smaug is on the floor with a large bump on his head and swirls in his eyes. Tohru is watching the cooking channel. 

Tv:"Then it'll grow softer, and the meat will absorb flavor more easily."

Tohru:"Maybe Miss Kobayashi will eat my tail meat if I prepare it like that."

Smaug:*Sits up with swirls still in his eye.* "I heard meat." *Tohru just punches the top of his head again and Smaug falls back to the ground.* 


TV:"What modern girls want their lover to do most. First place is.... Push them against a wall." 

Tohru:"Hmm, so they pursue love with sounds. Just like birds."

Smaug:"Interesting." *The camera shows Smaug sitting on the chair with his chin in his hands intently watching the TV.*

Tohru:"Pursue love..." *Tohru stats to bang on the table with a blush on her face. Then accidently breaks it. A piece goes flying hitting Smaug on the head.*

Smaug:*Falls to the floor with a bump on his head.* "Not again."

Then later Smaug is seen walking on the street going somewhere. He stops in front of a store. It's a liquor store. He walks inside and the man behind the counter watches him go around and pick up a bunch of alcohol. When he gets to the counter he has a pile as high as the ceiling. His head peeks around and looks at the man behind the counter.

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