Third Dragon, Kanna! Part 1.

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The camera opens up to show Tohru breathing fire in the kitchen. The camera moves outside to show a black smoke coming from the apartment. Then it shows Tohru, Kobayashi and Smaug walking down a sidewalk.

Kobayashi:"Seriously, Tohru. What made you think a kitchen fire was a good plan?"

Tohru:"It was more of an instinct than a plan."

Smaug:*anime tears falling down his face.*"She burned all the food."

Kobayashi:"You know the stove makes fire, right?"

Tohru:"Yes, but I didn't think it would be strong enough!"

Kobayashi:"Strong enough to what? Incinerate the kitchen? I worry you may have brain damage."

Smaug laughs at Tohru. Tohru just turns around and punches the top of his head. He rubs it and glares at her.

Kobayashi:*Looks to Tohru and Smaug.* 'Which reminds me. Why Have I been letting them go shopping on their own this whole time? Probably not the best idea. But maybe Tohru's not a disaster there.'

They arrive at Oborosuka Shopping District.



Tohru:"Aren't we going to the shopping district?"

Kobayashi:"You mean you don't go to the big supermarket over there?"

Tohru:"Oh, no. That place feels like a castle and completely freaks me out."

Smaug:"It was not worth taking over. And there is no gold."


Tohru:"Yes, and the whole thing's white, too. Gives me flashbacks to run-ins with crusader's bases."

Kobayashi:"That's unfortunate." *She looks to smaug who licks his lips. and mumbles something about tasty crusader's.*

Tohru:"The shopping district's more like the guild's bazaars. It's a little better."

Kobayashi:"So you shop based on Dragon PTSD. Good to know."

Smaug:"I like this place better too. Fresher food."

Kobayashi:"You think with your stomach lot."

Smaug:"Hey! I was napping for 30 years before coming here. Of course I'd be hungry all the time."

Kobayashi:"Napping for 30 year?!."

Tohru:"He once slept for 100."

Smaug:"Never felt that great before."

Kobayashi:"100 years!?"

Smaug:"Is there something wrong for sleeping for a 100 years?"

Kobayashi:"Humans can't sleep that long."

Smaug:"Well that's a humans problem."

smaug starts to walk into the market.

Kobayashi:*Turns to Tohru.*"Your brother is  weird."

Tohru:*Rubs her arm.*"I know."

Now they are all walking next to each other.

Kobayashi:"You two wanna start by picking up some fish?"


They arrive at Toda's seafood place.

Toda:"Tohru! Smaug! What's up?"

Tohru/Smaug:"Good afternoon, Mister Toda."*Kobayashi gasps at them.*

Toda:"It's normally just you two aout here right? Is she a new friend?"

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