Chapter 25

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The morning was hectic. We all woke up at the crack of dawn and began preparing for the wedding.

It is almost 10 am now, and the wedding is at 2 p.m. And we still haven't gotten anything ready.

I wanted everything to be perfect for her. But it wasn't just me. We all wanted everything to be perfect.

All the setup for the wedding was done, and all that was left was for us to get ready now.

Sarah and I helped Mrs. King get ready while Skyler and Sam were getting our dresses ready.

"Is this silly for me to do?" She asked us.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't know. It all just feels silly. I'm almost in my  40s, and I'm getting married!" She exclaimed.

"You're just nervous, Mrs. King. Don't worry; none of this is silly," Sarah reassured her.

"You and Johnathan are going to be so happy. And Johnathan loves you so much, so you don't need to be nervous about anything," I comforted her.

She smiles at us. "I want both of you to call me Tessa. At least you guys calling me that makes me feel a little younger," she sighed. "Especially you Storm." she directed her eyes at me.

It was an odd request since I had always called her by her last name. But in a way, I think it made sense for me to call her that.

"Okay." I smiled.

"Now, how do I look?" She got up from her chair, standing in front of us with her simple white satin wedding dress.

"You look flawless!" I ensured her.

She smiled at us again. She walked closer to me, taking my hand in hers. "Thank you! For everything. I'm really glad you are here," she said and left a small kiss on my forehead. "I'm also glad that Liam has you. Maybe even one day you'll be officially my daughter," she teased.

I giggled. "I think we have a long while till that happens,"

"Oh, you know in my time, we all got married young," she told me.

"I think Storm is only waiting for Liam to ask," Sarah also joked.

I rolled my eyes at both of them and helped Tessa with the last few touches for her, and Sarah and I rushed to get ready as well.

Sarah and Skyler helped Sam and Tessa's niece Jess, one of her bridesmaids and me into our gorgeous baby blue dress that stopped just above our knees. It has a sweetheart neckline and was very simple, which was ideal for this wedding.

We got ready fast, and just like that, it was finally time for the ceremony.

And it was time for all of us to walk down the aisle. The groom's man and Johnathan were already up there, and the blue looked gorgeous on all of them.

I caught my eyes with Liam, who had a cheeky smirk on his lips and winked at me.

This was the first time I saw him all day today, and he looked absolutely breathtaking in his suit. Tyler and Reece were wearing the same suit, but Liam looked different.

It fit him so perfectly that I almost dropped my jaw upon seeing him. But I kept my cool and made my way to the aisle, standing at the opposite of them all.

I couldn't stop grinning at him, and I could tell he noticed.

The only thing that made me snap out of my trance was when the slow music started playing, and Liam's mom began walking down the aisle.

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