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Hello everyone. This is my first omegaverse story so please do forgive me. If you have any question, please feel free to ask.


Helplessness is the most horrible feelings in the world. It is empty, hollowing, and destructive. One just can't hopeless as they are cradled into its embrace, unable to break out like an animal in captivity. But perhaps that is what most people are when they are helpless. They are simply waiting for the end to come and yet they do not know when it will happen. It like you can see the glimmer of the light at the end of the tunnel and yet you aren't moving towards it. You are stuck. And completely under the sufferance of a heavy weight.

Helplessness is a friend of Lisa's which has been entwined in her life ever since the day she was born.

15 Years ago

The day when Lisa's family found out that she was an omega was the day when she was introduced to helplessness. The anger of her father and the mournful cries of her mother could be heard as Lisa sat in the doctor's office in one of the chairs, feet unable to even reach the floor with how little she was. She was unsure what was going on, she just hugged her stuffed cat that her mother had made and gifted her for her birthday close to her chest as she watched her parent's reactions to the doctor's report.

"You're lying. There is no way that she is!" Her father yelled, hist fists clenched as he slammed them on the doctor's desk, making Lisa jump in fright.

"Please doctor, there must be a mistake! There has to be!" Her mother had tears streaming down her cheeks and she clasped her hands together as she looked pleadingly at the doctor. But the doctor but shook his head and shifted from foot to foot as he glanced at the clipboard which had the report he just made.

"I'm afraid I am not mistaken Mr and Mrs Manoban. Lisa has exhibited all the expected characteristic. She is an omega."


Lisa has heard that word before. But she has never really known what it truly meant. Usually when she hears it, it is when her parents are talking about someone they have met or are seeing for another possible business talk. Alpha and beta are two other words which she usually hears when she hears that omega word, so she guesses that they are connected in some way. But she didn't realise that it would ever connect to her.

Just what was it? She didn't know. She was but five years old, turning six in a month. Her parents haven't really said anything either. She just knew that they had been worried lately. And to be a little bit more precise, she had been worried ever since her last birthday when she received her stuffed cat from her mom.

Her stuffed cat was her favourite toy. Lisa was an only child, and she didn't really have a lot of toys. Their family house was small and most of the time her mother and father didn't eat much, Lisa eating mainly on her own while her parents would watch her with tired smiles. She also offered to share but they always shook their head.

"You need to eat a lot so you can help us when you get older, our little firefly." Her father would say, reaching out and stroking her head gently with a soft smile. Her mother would nod and lift another spoonful of the food which she had prepared.

"That's right Lisa. You can help us a lot when you are older, so you need to be good and healthy to be able to help us."

Lisa didn't quite understand what her parents meant by help but as the loving daughter that she was, she just smiled and nodded happily before accepting the food her mother fed her. She wanted to help her parents. They always worked so hard, her father out most night while her mother always cleaned the house and took care of Lisa while making some small goodies to sell in the neighbourhood.

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