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After packing everything, Elemental separated the young agent's camping area. The male agents is far in the left area while the female agent is far in the right area.

You guys know camping, right?

Okay, so the tent is fortunately sponsored by MATA.They got a tent for each person. Troublemkaer Trio handle the female young agents and the rest are with the boys.

Quake: Okay, this is your place. Don't go out without telling us. The toilet is over there.

Thunderstorm:I think you guys are lucky MATA even sponsor tents for you.

Solar: Double that.

Ice:*sunken eyes ** hugs the whale's plushie from nowhere*

Khai: Smart design!

Jet: * rolls * Ready with a good mattress! MATA is awesome!

Thunderstorm: Ceh, look who made it. *mumble*

Quake: * hit Thunderstorm's head * Anyway! Okay, sleep. Don't make noise. Good night everyone.

Solar: * make a Light Ball floating at the top * This will help you if you want to go to the bathroom.

Ali:* raises his head from inside the tent* Erh .. BoBoiBoy?

Elemental: Yes Ali? *simultaneously*

Ali: Comot?

Thunderstorm: Owh, yeah. One second.* Thunderstorm Sprint** reappears with Comot* Well.

Ali: Comot!* hug Comot* Thank you Thundy!

Thunderstorm: Your welcome.

Quake: * applause * Okay! If there are no questions, we will leave first. Good night.

All young male agents: Good night.

Solar: Oh, I forgot . If you want the light ball at the top to be bright, just clap. Later the ball will be bright on its own.

All: Okay Solar.

When all the agents had zipped up their tents, they all left to meet again with the Troublemaker Trio.

Thunderstorm: How was it?

Cyclone: We have explained what they should and should not do.

Blaze: And I've provided fire as a source of light for them.

Thorn: Thorn say good night to them!

Quake: * pats Thorn's head * Now, it's our turn to go to sleep.

Ice: Uh..where are we going to sleep? I think the tents were enough for the young agents, right?

Quake: Sleeping under a starry sky surrounded by flora and fauna.

All but Quake: Huh?

Quake: * laughs * I'm joking. There's another tent, the old one.We will split up again tomorrow morning.

All but Quake: Okay boss.

Thunderstorm: Anyway, I don't know why but I don't think we can sleep tonight ..

All Elemental: Huh?







Time Skip No Jutsu!

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now