Power Sphere

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Later that afternoon, Ali woke up to surprise Khai who was playing with R-O.

Khai: Ali! Are you awake?

Ali: Ow.. ...* rubs eyes* What time is it?

Khai: It's 5.30 pm. You fainted while doing the ATLAS test earlier.

Ali:* looks around* Where's BoBoiBoy with the others?

Khai: Alicia, Iman and Moon went to practice in the training room. BoBoiBoy said there was a mission earlier.

Ali: Oh ...* phone rings* Eh, BoBoiBoy?


BoBoiBoy: Hye Ali! Are you awake? Are you ok? Ergh-!*Prevents something*

Ali: Eh, what's wrong with you BoBoiBoy?

BoBoiBoy: Er..Hehehe..Don't be mad eh? I'm at Planet Lulusan now.I have a mission.Ergh-! I'm calling you to say that- Hish! Can you be patient ?!

Fang:* listens from afar* Can't you wait first ?!

BoBoiBoy: Shut up you purple hedgehog! Hiah-! Oh, I want to say I'm not coming back this week!

Ali: Huh ?! But why?*Sad face activated*

BoBoiBoy: I have a TAPOPS mission! But don't worry! I'll finish the mission early. For now, you have to stay at the Academy first. Hish-! Earth Pillar!* Smash something* Take that you .

Ali: Hum ...

BoBoiBoy:* notices Ali's face looks sad* Ali, don't be sad! I'll take you on my special mission later.

Ali: Ha ?! Seriously?! Promise it? Promise!*Excited*

BoBoiBoy:* smile* Yes, I promise. Take care of yourself.

Ali: Okay, BoBoiBoy! Take care of yourself too! Bye!

BoBoiBoy: Ehe ..*smile*Bye²!*Face suddenly turn so fierce*COME HERE !!

Unknown: Oh no! He's on Quake mode! Full defense !!


Ali chuckled when he heard another voice from inside the call.

Ali: You die when MamaGem is out.*put away his mobile phone*..

Khai: So, are you staying here tonight?

Ali: Maybe? I think so.

Khai: Hmm ... I have to tell my parents first if I want to stay at the Academy tonight.

Ali: Eh, your parents do know you're an agent ?!*surprised*

Khai: Eh, eh! It's not!* Shakes his head* I'll tell them later that I will sleep at my friend's house tonight. Alah, I'm good at giving excuse.

Ali: Hehe..Among our friends, who is the one who always stays overnight at the Academy?

Khai: There's no one. Everyone is back home. Except .... Rudy. Because ... Yeah, you also know why.

Ali:* nods* So, I'll stay here with Rudy later ?.

Khai: It looks like that. But hey,aren't your uncle here?

Ali: Uncle? Hum ... I don't know? I don't even know where he lives.*Scratches his head*

Khai:*smiles ** shakes his head* Alright, let's go eat. You must be hungry, right?

Ali:*cutely smile ** nod* Yeah!Come on!



Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now