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Jet: Erghhh ... Tell me why we agreed to do all this again?

Round: No one agrees. We can't argue.

Chris: I wanna go home..

Ha, want to know what are  these guys are up to?

Okie dokie let's rewind~





At 7.00 am, all the young agents of MATA got an emergency meeting from MATA to gather immediately.

Without having time to pack and even take a shower, everyone continued to gather at the Academy.

Chris:* yawns* What's wrong?

Jet: I want to sleep ...*hugs the pillow he brought from home*

The young male agents kind of just got out of bed but the girls just chill and enjoyin the morning view.

Next time everyone sleeps early, ok?

Ok, back to story.

Roza:* stretching* Why do you think MATA called us this early in the morning?

Mika:* yawns* I just want breakfast ..

Moon: You haven't breakfast yet?

Mika: Yeah, why?

Moon: Nothing.

Not long after, they heard a whistle being blown.

Everyone gather after hearing the sound of the whistle. BoBoiBoy stood on the stairs, with his sports shirt, and Ali who was sleeping stood next to him.

BoBoiBoy: Good Morning everybody!*Cheerful*

All: Morning BoBoiBoy.

BoBoiBoy: Hehe..I'm sorry to call you guys this early. But ... today we have to leave early to another place!

All the young agents looked at each other.

Khai:* raises hand* Er..Where are we going BoBoiBoy?

BoBoiBoy: Aha! That's a secret! Now,* turns into Thunderstorm* Let's do a few round of morning lap around Academy!

All agents: Whaaaat-*whine*

Thunderstorm:* ready near the bottom while dragging Ali who is still asleep* The last person to finish is a loser!! Bye bye! *start running*

Jet: W-Woi not fair!

Mika:*  changing wheelchairs* Gotta go bye!

With that, all the young agents started running because they were afraid of being punished by Thunderstorm who is about to finish one round of the Academy.




Le Time Skip no Jutsu ~!




A few laps later, they all gathered at the fatigue training field and Thunderstorm, who had become a normal BoBoiBoy, was back in the middle to cool down.

BoBoiBoy: Ergh..It's nice to be able to exercise in the morning.Are you all okay?

All the young agents just nodded.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ