Clarity and Focus

Start from the beginning

Suddenly she heard the sound of the shower curtain swishing against the floor. She spun to see Izzie, hair damp and body wrapped in a towel closing the curtain behind her. Casey stared at her.

"What are you doing?" Casey asked, wide eyed.

Izzie smiled hesitantly, unwrapped her towel and Casey watched the muscles under her naked skin ripple as she tossed it over the curtain rod. A little zap of electricity shot through Casey. Izzie's damp hair clung to her neck and snaked over her delicate collar bones. She bit her lip and smiled, making it clear what she had in mind.

"No," Casey whispered, harshly, in alarm, "No way. There are other people here!"

"Everyone's gone," Izzie said nonchalantly, coming closer, "you've been in here forever."

Izzie gently took one of Casey's hands. She reached up and brushed a lock of hair off Casey's forehead with warm fingers. Casey wanted to tell her that this couldn't happen. That they would get caught, that she wasn't in the mood. But Izzie was in the stream of water now and it was forming small beads on her neck, trickling down her chest, around her breasts and off the tips of her nipples. They'd never been in the shower together before.

"You're the best athlete on the team," Izzie said quietly, "that's why they're giving you a hard time."

Casey shot her a look of disbelief.

"Ok," Izzie laughed, "except for Brooke. And maybe Tanya. But they're seniors Casey!"

Casey smiled, halfheartedly. There was a warm tingling between her legs that was getting harder to ignore with Izzie so close and so... naked. She sighed and brought her hand to Izzie's waist, letting her eyes slowly travel over her body and face... unhurried, unfocused, unintentional. Izzie's tenderness had calmed her frenzied anxiety enough to reveal the sadness and fear underneath it. She stared into Izzie's eyes, letting her feelings show, not hiding anything. Izzie's answering expression was all compassion and concern.

"It's gonna be ok," she said, cupping Casey's cheeks. Her voice was warm and encouraging.

Casey hung her head.

"It's just like... I don't know how to get out of my own head!" she groaned, looking up at the ceiling.

"I'm gonna choke at the meet, I know it," she said quietly.

Izzie dipped her head to make Casey meet her eyes.

"Ok. You're not gonna choke. You're gonna kick ass, like you always do."

Casey couldn't help but smile a little. Izzie's face was flushed from the steam of the shower and her dimples were dancing along with her speech. Her lips were slightly parted and her eyes... Her perfect eyes were caressing Casey's face with so much love, as if soaking in every detail, landing frequently on her mouth. They were so close now. Casey's hands rested on Izzie's hips, her thumbs stroking the skin there. But Izzie reached down and took her by the wrists, walking her back until she was pinned against the wall. Izzie's strong fingers gripped her wrists firmly, pushing them into the wall. The cool cement block of the wall felt good against the hot skin of Casey's back.

Izzie's face inched closer, as if about to kiss her, but then she paused, hovered there, so close to Casey's face that Casey could practically feel the energy rolling off Izzie's skin. Couldn't even focus on more than one small part of her face at a time. Izzie's eyes were still dancing over Casey's face and under her gaze Casey felt beautiful... handsome... desirable... strong. She felt like herself.

"And, I know how to get you out of your head," Izzie all but whispered, all traces of kidding gone.

Casey sighed out a breath, speechless... weak.

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