"Clint!" Natasha shouted through the comms.

"We have an enhanced in the field," Steve stated.

Y/N jumped off her bike as Steve spoke. As she was in the air, some one zoomed past her, throwing her to the ground. She groaned as she hit the ground.

"I think I've found the enhanced," Y/N groaned.

"Clint's hit!" Nat yelled. "Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" Hulk's roar was heard before anyone could respond. "Thank you."

Stark, we really need to get inside," Steve said as he fought.

"I'm closing in," Tony responded.

Y/N stood up, looking around the area for the enhanced. Suddenly, the blur past her again, throwing her up in the air. She quickly created a portal over to Thor and Steve, who weren't too far away. She landed on her feet behind them.

"Drawbridge is down, people," Tony announced.

"The enhanced?" Thor asked Steve.

"He's a blur," Steve answered. "All the new player's we've faced, I've never seen this. In fact, I still haven't."

"Yeah, he just tried to take me out for the second time," Y/N said, pulling the attention on her.

"Clint's hit pretty bad, guys," Nat stated through the comms. "We're gonna need evac."

"I can get Barton to the jet," Thor said. "The sooner we're gone the better. You and Stark secure the scepter."

"Copy that," Steve responded.

Thor noticed the HYDRA soldiers. "Looks like they're lining up."

"Well, they're excited."

Steve secured his shield and Thor hit his hammer against the shield. The force of the lightning knocked down all the soldiers.

"Find the scepter," Thor ordered before flying off.

"And for gosh sake, watch your language!" Tony teased.

Steve sighed. "That's not going away anytime soon."

"Oh for sure," Y/N chuckled.

Y/N and Steve hurried to the base.

"We're locked down out here," Natasha informed the team.

"Then get to Banner," Steve ordered, taking off his helmet. "Time for a lullaby."

"How many helmets have you lost?" Y/N asked.


"It's just a question. You seem to take them off anytime there's a big fight. I'm just wondering how many helmets you have made in a week."

"Really, Y/N? Now?"

"What? It's a valid question."

"Do you two really have to do this now?" Nat groaned.

"I'm with Red," Tony added. "Y/N, I need you."

"On my way."

Y/N made her way to the mainframe room, where the Iron Man suit was in sentry mode, guarding the place. Tony was looking around the room.

"I know you're hiding more than files," Tony muttered. "Hey, J, give me an IR scan of the room, real quick."

"The wall to your left," JARVIS replied. "I'm reading steel reinforcement and an air current."

Tony and Y/N walked over to the wall. "Please be a secret door, please be a secret door, please be a secret door..." He pushed and the wall opened. "Yay!"

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