"I-I need to know!" Coulson continued. Mack moved forward to hold Coulson down.

Y/N quickly called the quinjet.

"I need to talk to May," she instantly said.

"Y/N?" Tripp asked, hearing the worry in her voice.

"Get me May."

"Y/N?" May said. "We have a Ward situation that's about to get really bad for all of us."

"Coulson went into the memory machine."

"What?!? And you let him?"

"It wasn't my call."

"Lock him up and keep him under observation until I get back."

Hanging up, Y/N went back to the others. Coulson was straining against Mack's restraining hands.

"I need to know," Coulson repeated. "I need to know!"

"What did you do to him?" Mack asked.

"Just hold him down!" Simmons ordered. She moved in to sedate Coulson but he broke his restraint and pushed her away.

"Coulson!" Y/N exclaimed, pulling out her gun and aiming it at the man. Everyone turned to look at her. "Don't make me use this."

Mack moved so that Coulson could see Y/N pointing the gun at him. He calmed down and looked around. Everyone was panting with exertion and fright.

"I'm sorry," Coulson said.

"I spoke to May," Y/N replied. "She wants us to lock you up until she gets back."

"I think that's a good idea."

Y/N hadn't put down the gun, and everyone noticed that she was trembling. Fitz carefully walked up, setting his hand on hers and pushing her arms slowly down.

"I'll take him down to the vault," Skye offered.

Coulson nodded before Simmons unhooked everything from him. Then Skye and him headed to the vault.

"Hey," Fitz whispered. "Let's sit you down." Y/N could barely nod, but she felt Fitz guide her to a chair.

"We shouldn't have let him do that," Y/N whispering, shaking her head. "That was a terrible idea... I've... I've got to go."

Y/N rushed out of the lab and to her room before anyone could stop her.


She was on the phone with Tony, when Mack came to get her telling her that Coulson had escaped.

"Shit," Y/N murmured.

"Should I come and help you?" Tony offered.

"No. I've got to fix this myself."

"Okay. Just remember, you did nothing wrong and I love you."

"Love you too."

Y/N hung up and followed Mack. They met up with Skye, who had figured out where Coulson was going, and raced to an SUV. Mack took the wheel, Skye hopped into the front passenger seat and Y/N took the back. The SUV was speeding towards the destination.

"What this hell is TAHITI?" Mack asked, frustrated.

"Uh, TAHITI was designed to revive a fallen Avenger," Skye answered. "That's how it got started."

"Uh, Captain America, Iron Man - those Avengers?"

"Those are the ones."

"You realized that you have one in the car with you, right?" Y/N made a side comment. "You should have at least said my name."

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