When another wave of pain tightened my muscles, I grimaced and looked at the floor. "Yes, something is wrong," I ground out. "Shadrach, meet in my living quarters."

"I will be right behind you."

I made my way down the corridor from the entryway. I burst into my living quarters, quick to reach the pool in the far corner of the room. Osa glowed brightly as I manipulated it. In addition to being connected to all of our ships and bases, Osa lived inside us. The device turned on with a steady hum, a snake of white power caressing my fingertips.

Microbiotics filled the pool, but they did so at a rather slow rate.

"I need to stay away from her," I growled. "The Elders have enslaved me with their sick and twisted whims. She is my Sohme. I was not sure before, but the calling is strong. Potent. This means my death will be accelerated the more time I spend with her, and she wants me to stay, Shadrach."

"Perturbing, as she is human." He shook his head. "There must be a malfunction within Osa, as you said."

"There is none."

"You have been watching this human for quite some time on Earth, haven't you? As you have done with the others you wished to save. As soon as you realized Pearl might be your other half, you should have—"

"I was ignorant. If I thought she truly was, do you believe I would have allowed her to come here?"

"Not at all. I do not believe that will help you," Shadrach said, gesturing to the pool. I stopped, each breath laborious. "As long as it is this strong, it is far too late."

I fixed my gaze on my hands.

They were crimson from the acid rain; I was sure my profile wasn't any better. My eyes strayed past my hands to my groin. I was aroused, and frightfully so, this part of me I never paid attention to was suddenly very apparent. Pearl spurred that kind of reaction from my body, even on the first day, especially when I saw her dreams.

I collapsed beside the pool onto my knees. "What is this other new thing I feel? I think it is guilt, but I cannot be sure. This should not be possible for us."

His eyes were full of grave concern. "It is unlike you to be so unnerved, Dumuzi. Why do you think it is guilt you feel?"

"I believe it stems from our lack of concern for Earth. I also verbally expressed my trepidation of being near her."

It was very clear that my previous words about her planet bothered her immensely. Perhaps even more immensely than the ones I parted with.

"Why should that matter?"

"She wants me to tell her everything we know, to show everything to her; she is unwilling to learn for herself. I believe she fears being alone. This complicates things, as the knowledge the council was willing to give her is edited. She should not be getting knowledge that is not edited by me!"

He shut the door behind him, a look of shock on his face. "You have truly gone mad if it is actual guilt you feel! Edited knowledge or no. She is human. Look at her dying planet. It was a farce breathing them into existence. How can you let such an emotional creature get to you? It would have been better to let her die on Earth to save you the shame of being paired with a human to begin with."

Both of my hearts pounded hard, blood pulsing through my aching limbs. My gaze leveled with his as I stood. "Watch your tongue. Unlike yours, my blades have tasted Enuki blood. And since it is already too late, brother, then you know if she dies, I die with her."

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