33//me first, not you

Start from the beginning

He quickly nods and lead the whole family to the room where Santiago was suppose to rest from his surgery he never survived.

The doctor slowly opens the door and everyone walked in, keeping in their breaths, hoping and praying they were played and Santiago's alive and well.

But life's a bitch.

Multiple gasps were heard all around the room as everyone stared at their once young and joyful Castillo.

His eyes were closed and his body was as white as a ghost. He looked like he got a few birthdays in those past hours as he looked way much older.

It is true, death makes you look older.

Angelina couldn't hold back the tears as she stares at her son's lifeless body.

No mother should ever have to see this, she thoughts and she cried even harder as her husband pulled her into his arms.

Even Romolo was struggling to keep his cool as he couldn't move his eyes from his son.

Grandpa looked up at him as he saw a single tear run down to his cheek.

Even though he hasn't seen his son cry since his triplet's death, he knew he was about to cry when he saw his dead son. He knew the place of a father looking at your dead child and having to keep everything in and be there for your family.

You owe it to them.

Because they both lived with the idea it was their fault they couldn't protect their children.

 Slowly, everyone stepped out of the room to get some air and break down. Not a single cheek stayed dry expect those from two of the oldest brothers, Julio and Lorenzo.

They hugged everyone, telling them it would be okay and better in time. They even had to calm down the other older brother- Vito who has just lost his younger brother.

To be fair, the Castillo's were a mess so bless the gods they had security everywhere because none of them noticed an older man, a young, fierce female and four older boys walking through the doors.

Those persons are also know as Nikos, Calix, Noah , Levi, Hunter and the one and only Katie Levine.

"Where is she?" Calix asked worried.

"She better not be in a lot of pain." Levi snarled.

"Any news?" Hunter asked, a tone of concern in his voice.

"Do I need to summon some devils to get her out of hell and back to earth?" Noah asked.

No one laughed and he thought by himself 'my humor isn't appreciated. I'm a fucking comedian'

It's funny how close Isabella got with the boys on such a short time.

"How bad is it?" Nikos asked. He felt they didn't get any good news and feared the worst.

Isabella even grew on the trainer, he got used to her hanging out with his son, taking care of his wound, having a normal conversation with him and laughing about his silly jokes. Simple she was the daughter he never had and he cherished her.

"Gramps?" Katie asked, Apollo was sitting anxious in her arms. Like he felt something was going on with his owner. And boy was he right.

"Driver's alive." He nodded softly.

"Good, I can add another useless dick to my collection." She said darkly and the five boys she came in with gulped, scared of Isabella's best friend.

Suddenly a lot of nurses and doctors ran to Isabella's room and panic raised from a hundred to millions.

"Is that-" Katie asked scared.

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