38: " The game of fate"

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" SIDDHARTH ".. ...

Avneet pov

This is the only word which came out of my mouth..  But how..  Can h-e-he be here.. No no it is.. Not s-i...  No i am hallucinating..  Tears started coming out of her eyes. Why am i crying now!?.. 

Avu avneet look calm down It's  no-t si-...  No..  No.. 


She wiped her tears and looked around the smoke is still there.. She hurriedly went towards the stairs....


Krupa: so you are saying you saw someone who looks like him.

She said as she putted a plate full of noodles in front of avneet.

Avu: yes.

Krupa: hmm... Now what do you think about it.. I mean do you think it's si-

Avneet cuted her,

Avneet: of course not and i said that he just look alike i didn’t say it was him.

She said while slightly getting angry by thinking about him. Krupa took a deep breath then looked at avneet who was now busy eating her noodles. She shook her head.


Avu pov

Was that really him?.. But that person looked so pale and he was not even able to walk by himself... Is he okey? ..

Why the hell am i thinking this?.. Why should i care for him? I would be happy is he had died?.. Or not.

No avu don't be concerned you hate him remember. After what he did you shouldn’t be concerned. Even if that was sid it is not your problem that he was in the hospital.. Now shut your mind and sleep..


But still few questions are arising in her head ..  The questions whoese answer can only be given by him.. Why did he just disappear like this? Why did he just left that letter? Just a letter?..

I don’t' think so she will be able to forget that day,

Flashback ,

After the wedding ceremony the whole nigam family left for airport in which country no one knows.. No one even knows where were they?

Avneet came in her room hotel room she along with her family is going to there home,

She also found a letter on her bed sm left it.. She opened it,


Dear avneet,

I don's think so we are leading a healthy relationship and after what you did.. Main point we are breaking up..  You are not my type anymore i was just fooling around you know.. You were never my true love..

But i found my true love..  she is different from you and she is the best.. Main thing she is way to much better than you..

Get someone else.. Don't try to contact with me we are done..  Go home..

From - sid

Flashback end.

That letter broked her into thousand pieces.. After that day avneet even went to Siddharth's house but didn’t found them the house keeper said they went out of country..

Which country?.. He dosen't know.. She tried to contact with them but couldn’t the day when avneet was broken.. Not only avu but four more hearts got broken and hurt.

Who were jaireem, fainat.. Reem and faisu were the one who knew about what happened to Siddharth of course knowing Siddharths condition they sided him,


Faisu: look avneet i think you should trust siddharth there must be a reasson why he did this.. Right because we all know how much Siddharth  loved--

Jai got up and slapped him,

Jai: don't you dare to say his name. He broked my sister because of him she is crying all day her precious smile faded just because of Him .

Faisu: But why don’t' you all think in a different way. He must had a reasson and that's why he did it.

Jannat: what reasson?.. For what reasson he broked avu's heart huh?

She said while getting angry about the facct that someone broked her best friends heart,

Faisu: i can't tell you the reasson.

He looked down remembering the promise he made with sid that he will never tell anyone about it

Jai: huh. "Can't tell you" because you don’t have a reasson.

Reem: of course he has

Jannat: you are also siding him.

Reem: i am. Don't judge a book by it’s cover.. you just can't judge a book before reading it.. That way you can't judge sid before knowing his side story.

Jai: come on reem after that later that person just disappeared and you are saying what.

Reem: listen.

Jannat: no we don't want to the truth is in front of us that Siddharth Nigam is a big coward and a fake person who always faked everything.

Faisu: jannat!..

He shouted of course he can't hear someone saying rubbish about his brother,

Jannat: am i wrong? .. Faisal!

Faisu just death glared her and looked away,

Jai: of course you are not wrong jannat.  We all can see who is what.

Reem: i can't belive jai-

Jai: belive what..that the great Siddharth did this.. Oh then sorry truth is always bitter.

Jannat: And not everyone can accept it.

She said eyeing towards faisu who was clenching his fist,

Avneet: Shut up! You all! Shut up! Please!

Said by avneet who was silent until now... Who was listening to them fighting. She just couldn’t take anymore so she thought to shut them all up,

Avneet: if you fight like this what do you think is gonna happen!..pls don't do this pls..

Flashback ends

They fought like this for few more days and ended up breaking up. They thought things betweet them were not able to work out. So breaking up would be the best desicion. They broked up because there thinking didn’t match and for jai and jannat,faisu and reem were siding there enemy.

The person they now hate from the core of they're heart. One because that person broked his sister and one because he made her best friend cry.

Sigh, fate is being so cruel to them but you have to accept it the way it is because at the end it is,

"The Game Of Fate".. ... 

1045 is the word count!!!
Proud of myself *patting my back*after so long i wrote such a big chapter..
Because you all the goals were completed. 😊

And majnu is out go and stream it!

I am updating late cause i was little busy but Anyways,
Let me know if you liked the chapter.

Goals: 29+ votes 30+ coments

Love yaa ❤❤

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