The Crash

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Elle's POV:
The journey to the hospital felt weird, I'm not sure what to expect, my hands where sweating the whole time and I couldn't stop picking my nails. I still really felt like I was to blame for this, Lee didn't speak much the drive there I think he was as nervous as I was, it just doesn't happen everyday you know? No one has ever been seriously injured around me, much less has it been my fault too. 
"You ok Elle?" Lee said softly, taking his eyes of the road for a second to look at me, then back at the road. I took a deep breath and nodded, I didn't really feel like talking. I just don't know how I feel right now. We pulled up at the hospital and it felt eerie the sky even felt it, though it was sunny felt odd, the atmosphere felt dark and dingy.. or maybe it was just me. Lee directed us straight up to his room, talking to the doctors and everything I didn't want any of it, I'm just not that kind of girl I just need to see him, for my own peace of mind. That sick feeling crept back up at me whilst walking to his room, but I managed to keep it down. The only thing I could think of is 'if he dies.. I've killed someone' and it repeated, making me feel much worse. The feeling I felt walking over to his room.. I just couldn't shake it it felt morbid. We got to his room number "86 here we are" lee said taking a massive gulp. He tried to direct me to walk in first but I just couldn't. Not a chance, he sighed and walked through I followed afterward And there he was.. my eyes filled with tears he was completely ruined, he didn't look anything like him.... My whole body shook with fear, I'm not even sure why.. "uhh.. Jake dude. Me and Elle are here..." Lee said the first words, I didn't feel like taking. I don't even know if I can. It's crazy really, how mad you can be at someone then when you see them looking so defenceless, and hurt, it just changes, straight to empathy, ahhh the life of an empath! I bit the bullet and decided to just talk to him, it may actually comfort him "hi.. Jake. It's me Elle, can you hear me?..." it stayed silent. The only thing you could hear was the beeping of his heart monitor and in fact that was giving me comfort, knowing his heart was still beating. I looked down at his bloodied hands, they looked swollen and bruised, his index finger with an pulse oximeter on.. somehow I didn't feel the hatred anymore, I just felt.. guilty. I sighed to myself and walked abit closer to him, I reached out my hand and placed it on top of his "Jake I'm here.." I said again, I could feel tears building up, I looked at his face again.. his eyes started twitching, almost as if he was trying to open them.. he was, he was trying to look at me he was waking up "e.. Elle?" He struggled.. "shhhhh it's ok I am here" I said trying my best to comfort him, I saw one tear roll down his eye. I looked over at Lee who was just speechless "Elle.. I'm ssso sorry...." He fought to say it. I squeezed his hand a little not enough to hurt him though "Jake shh it's ok, it's all ok" I smiled at him, I needed him to feel safe this was all my fault. "It was... chlo....." he tried telling me something, but he was suddenly cut off by an overwhelming presence in the room it was Chloe she had burst through the door and dramatically fell to the side of his bed "JAKE BABY..." i moved my hand off of his and walked backwards to stand next to Lee. This all felt somehow fake. Chloe was putting up such a show, and I could see right through it. His heart monitor became aggressive and before you know it his heart rate was going crazy, what was even going on? This scared me I ran straight away and called a nurse to which they came rushing in and had threw me, Lee and Chloe outside. This scared me so much, I held onto my chest. "Elle, are you ok?" Lee asked me concerned.. I needed to talk to Chloe.. alone. I have a feeling she knows more about this than she's leading on. "I'm fine.. I'm super thirsty.. can you get me a cup of water please?" I asked him, he nodded and walked away which left me and Chloe.. standing there on our own. I just had to say something. "Chloe.. what is going on?" I burst out, I couldn't think of anything else to say but I know she knows something I do not! She's not that great of an actor. "What do you mean Elle? My boyfriend has had an accident" she grabbed a tissue wiping away tears that I didn't even see. "I see that.. what happened?" I asked her again, I was persistent, I'm not leaving here without the truth. "Elle.. look I don't want to cause any drama's here, I'm heartbroken" she held her stomach and rubbed it, I tilted my head back a little confused. "Why would it be a drama?..." I had to know.
"Elle.. when you left the party, Jake didn't go after you. He came back to me.." my eyes widened, which made me realise the crash wasn't my fault at all.. then what did happen? "And then..?" I asked intrigued.
She looked down at her feet, than back up at me.
"I can't tell you.. it's going to break your heart" my heart dropped at this point, I can only think of one thing capable of breaking my heart and that's Noah.. So this must include him. "Just tell me damn it" I got abit louder, I needed her to know how serious I was. She jumped a little clearly not expecting me to be so tense.
"I told Jake.. I'm pregnant.." she paused a little and rubbed her stomach smiling a little. I couldn't help but look straight down at her belly. Before I could even congratulate her she continued on with the worst thing I could of heard right now "with Noah's baby"...
My heart began racing, and straight tears streamed down my face, why is it always me? Why have I gotten such bad luck. Me and Noah can never catch a break, I am pregnant with his baby and so is she? This can't even be happening right now... "does he know?" I said between tears, she bit her lip slightly "he knows and he's so happy, your baby is going to have a sibling" she tried saying it happily, I did not feel happy about this, something can't be right. I need to speak to Noah, this all just seems.. odd.

A/N - hi guys, sorry the chapter is abit short I've been dealing with some heartbreaking things in my personal life, but I'm looking to get everything back on track now, including my writing, thank you for all of your patience, it means the world!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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