The Big Scheme

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I woke up to a cool breeze hitting me in the face, I was very confused I blinked a few times bringing myself to reality, when I saw Noah sitting on my window ledge with a cup of coffee looking out, enjoying the morning breeze, it was beautiful out. But not as beautiful as the sight I get to see this morning, I smiled to myself as I looked at his perfect physic, I can't believe HE is mine. Just as I was lost in the thought of how perfect he is, he turned his head "morning beautiful" he made me blush so hard, I could literally feel the redness of myself. "Did you sleep well?" He said coming over to the bed, he sat next to me, hovering over me "mmm, yes. Even better with you here" I said covering my mouth with the blanket, Noah noticed and pulled it down to kiss me I pulled away instantly "Noo I haven't brushed my teeth yet!" I covered my mouth with my hands, he laughed and rolled his eyes "you're about to have my baby and you're worried about me kissing you before you brushed your teeth? Oh boy" he joked, my heart done backflips just hearing him say those words, so casually. He didn't even have one ounce of terror in him, he looked more ready for this than I did. "I love you" I said to him, he kissed my head and smiled. "Forever" I got out of the blanket and made my way into the bathroom, I done my morning routine, and put some fresh clothes on. 1 more day before the wedding, I can only imagine what my phone is like right now, i turned it off last night incase Jake tried to get in touch with me but honestly I can imagine that Lee is going crazy because me and Noah have just been awol. I grabbed my phone and turned it on, and just as expected about 50 messages all from Lee, he was super worried about me, it made me feel awful so I decided to call him instead.
It rang twice then he answered
*on the phone*
"Lee, what's going on is everything ok?"
"Elle, haven't you checked the news?? last night after you left the party Jake left too he was so drunk and not himself, he was intoxicated behind the wheel.. he's currently in the hospital elle he got into a car crash, it was fatal for the other guy and Jake's currently fighting for his life"
I was in shock, I literally covered my mouth I didn't know what to say.
"I think you should go up and see him elle, it may be the last time you can" Lee sounded really upset about this, but he literally has no idea what went on, or what Jake has done.. still he doesn't deserve to die for it. I did feel bad, Jake was still lovely to me for 5 months. Lee noticed my silence as I was lost in thought
"Elle? Are you still there? Are you ok? Where are you we can go together"
I snapped out of it.
"Erm no Lee it's fine. I'm at home, I'm with Noah.." I said nervously I didn't want him to ask what was going on.
"Elle I'm just gonna come over, ok? Love you bye." He didn't even give me time to reply he just hung up.
"What's going on elle?" Noah asked curious, I could tell he was trying to listen into the conversation me and Lee were having. "Jake is in hospital.. he got behind the wheel last night drunk and he crashed into somebody.. the other guy died. Lee is on his way over, he thinks I should go see Jake" Noah's eyes widened in shock, his mouth opened a little I could tell he couldn't believe what he heard.
"Are you going to?.." Noah asked, I don't think he was going to be mad at the situation, I just think he was trying to feel out how I felt. Truth is I didn't know how I felt, it all felt like my fault in a way.. this made my stomach churn, before I knew it I was running to the bathroom to be sick. Noah ran in after me and held my hair. "Are you ok baby?" Noah spoke sweetly to me. "Erm yeah.. just probably abit of morning sickness.. I'll be fine" he ran some water in a cup and handed it to me, I drank a few gulps then swilled my mouth out. I took a few deep breaths before getting back into my feet. This whole thing just made me feel unsettled, I can't help but think there is more to this story than what I've been told, I may be wrong but I had a feeling. I brushed my teeth and looked at myself in the mirror, it was hard it to blame myself in this situation. But I will go see him, just because I feel like I will always regret it in a way, maybe I can talk to him and sort the situation out; he obviously won't be at the wedding but if anything sinister does happen.. at least I would have made peace with him. My knees got weak, but before I knew it Lee was at the door waiting for me to get in the car with him.. ready to see Jake. I'm petrified. I gave Noah a huge hug and kiss before I left and he reassured me I can call him if I need to, with any luck I can sort this whole mess out.

-Noah's POV:
Just when you think everything is going great, life comes back and hits you right in the ass. I could tell that Elle felt super guilty about the whole situation with Jake and this scared me a little, I'm not insecure in anyway but it just makes me nervous for how she is going to feel about seeing him in that way, she left to go with Jake and I stayed at her house, I figured maybe I could get something prepared for her when she got home? Maybe a romantic dinner or something.. I don't know. I wondered down to her kitchen to see what she had stocked up and luckily she had a lot, so I could definitely make her dinner and run her a bath for when she gets home, anything for my girl. I started to google some recipes on my phone lost in thought, but then was quickly brought back to life because of a knock at the door. It felt a little awkward, only because this isn't actually my house, and I don't think Elle was expecting anyone. The knocking got more intense, which then made me feel more weird, I just decided to bite the bullet and open the door, what's the worst that can happen right?
I walked over to the front door and opened it without even thinking. That's strange.. it was Chloe?
"What are you doing here?" I asked her, I wasn't polite either.
"Look, I came here looking for you.. I need you now more than ever" Chloe ran up to me crying wrapping her arms around me.
"You shouldn't be here this isn't my house.. me and Elle are back together now I can't do this anymore" I said hugging her back a little, my guess is she was upset about Jake and I didn't have the heart not not to hug her.
"Noah, I need to tell you something I'm so scared.." she said between tears, I was really confused.
"Tell me what? Chloe.. if this is another one of your games I refuse to be apart of it, you and Jake are made for eachother" I pulled away and looked at her, I was abit mad this time, she always does this she can't let anyone be happy, well not anyone.. just me. She can't let ME be happy.
"Noah I'm pregnant, I'm so scared. I don't know if it's yours or jakes... I need you right now" holy shit, I ain't falling for that one again, why does she always do this?
"Chloe, we haven't slept together in months.. how can your baby me mine? It's most definitely jakes." I crossed my arms and leaned up the door way, I was not letting her manipulate me no more.
"I don't know how long I've been pregnant.. you have to believe me I'm so scared." This made me feel really weird, I mean I'll be honest we did sleep together not too long back but that was before me and Elle had the idea of being together again, this isn't even happening right now it has to be Jakes. My head was blown.. I didn't really know what to do, and if Elle was to hear this.. we would have ended before we even started, I felt sick to my stomach.
I couldn't help but feel like there is a reason for this, all this scheming. Nobody wants me and Elle together, it honestly shows.
"Why all of a sudden that me and Elle are together you are pregnant with potentially my baby?" I didn't mean to be so forward but I couldn't help it, this absolutely blew my mind
"Noah you don't belong with her.. we are meant to be why can't you see this?" She said pleading with me, I was having none of it.
"No, Chloe I don't belong with you. I love Elle and only Elle, I've never loved you.." holy shit I regretted saying that as soon as I said it because it just felt so harsh.
"Really Noah? Never loved me?" She changed her tone, it got more stern..
"Well.. the thing is.. Elle doesn't have to know that the baby isn't yours." She walked away wiping tears, maybe she's just angry I dont really understand what she saying to me..  I closed the door and still confused. What is she planning...

The May Wedding, A Kissing Booth Story. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant