The Confession

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This time I was not about to let him get away, I forcefully pulled my arms out of jake's grasp and kneed him in the balls. He hunched over himself in pain. I looked down at him and laughed "I will NEVER be yours again" it was a stupid day to wear heels if I'm honest with you when you're going to go chasing after a boy, usually it's the other way around. But I didn't let it stop me, I ran down the stairs and straight out the door, I could still see him so I had that in my favour, but I just wasn't quick enough. I had to take off these heels otherwise I will not catch up to him, I sat down on a near by bench and took them off leaving them there, I needed to run and find him. I had a feeling where he would go, so I just went for it. "Noah!" I shouted as I ran desperately, I couldn't let this happen again.. I will not allow Jake to ruin things once again. I pushed on through running, my feet were sore but I didn't care, I just kept going. I need to tell him how I feel, I could feel my feet giving up before me, but I still pushed through. I ran all the way to the place he took me to shelter from the rain I thought he might be here as that's where he went when things went sour with Marco that time.. he forgave me then I'm hoping he can forgive me my luck, there he was.. just sitting there hands over his face. Right in the middle of the hut. On his knees, wow I didn't realise that I had affected him this much. I slowly walked up to him I was barefoot. My hair didn't look as nice as it did earlier either "Noah.. just please let me explain" I got to my knees next to him, and pulled his hands away.
"What is there to explain Elle? I walked in on you kissing him, so what if you're not with me officially. It still fucking hurt." It broke my heart, now do I even explain this fully? I know how this is ending already I've just got to tell him. "No, Noah you've got it all wrong I wasn't kissing him like that, and no I do get it we always do this when we are together, it's almost like we get back together every time we meet again, it's never been any different. Which is why I would never do this to you again, you have you believe me".. I pleaded with him, I could see how hurt he was.
"Don't lie to me Elle, I saw his lips on top of yours" he added, he wouldn't even look me in the eyes.
"Noah It's not like that! I didn't kiss him ba-"
"Save it Elle, we are honestly done. I can't do this anymore, you are my first love you will always be, I can't help that. But I can't keep doing this when it comes to you, I could of had something great with Chloe, but I fold instantly when it comes to you, I hate it I really do" wow.. that broke my heart, he really just said he hates loving me. I stayed silent, I felt as if he wasn't finished.
"Look, Elle you are the love of my life, and I honestly do love you more than anything in this whole world. But I think it's time we say goodbye, I can't see you anymore, I'll always be there for you Elle but we need to  move on." Ok, that hurt even more.
"Always be there for me Noah? What am I to you? Just a lost cause?"
"No elle, not a lost cause but I seriously just don't know if I can trust you ever again, you tell me nothing is going on with Jake then you kiss him, and you come running for me and try to make me feel like it's all in my head. Guys love you elle! And that's amazing, but I can't always be second best I just can't." My eyes widened, for a second I completely forgot that the fight was because of Jake. "Excuse me? Guys love me? Oh come on, you're making me out to be some sort of slut here." I snapped back at him, it felt as if he was blaming me for Jake when he doesn't even know the whole story.
"I am not saying you're a slut but come on Elle? You don't dress like this for me, I saw you when you came in, you've never made this much of an effort for me, it has to be for him and it worked, clearly."
"Oh come on, are you crazy? I only came to the party to see you, of course it was for you!" I shouted back at him, I hated that my voice was getting louder but I couldn't help it.
He raised his eyebrow and shook his head.
"You really expect me to believe that? You kissed him!" He shouted back which I will admit startled me a little.
"Oh Noah you have no idea, what if I had told you that he forced himself upon me huh? Oh you don't trust me, I forgot" I stood up brushing my legs off. I raced away from him
"Forced himself on you? And why would he do that I mean, I know he's an asshole but he doesn't seem the type"
He stood up and turned me to face him
"He's been blackmailing me, that's why."
I still didn't look at him, which was super hard because of how tall he was.
"Why would he be blackmailing you Elle? I don't get it?" My emotions were all over the place. I just don't know if I can do this right now, it doesn't feel right I always imagined me telling him after a beautiful night together, or over dinner.. or after he we had made love or something, but not like this, not on anger and an argument..
"I can't tell you right now it's not the time, this is not how it's meant to be!" I could feel the lump in my throat. And I began to hear up.
"Not the time elle? For what, you're really confusing me here" he walked over to the side of the hut and looked out the window
"Noah I promise I will tell you, but it can't be here please just come back to my house with me, we can talk and it won't be so open.. I need this to feel right and right now it doesn't" he looked down at my feet and raised an eyebrow
"Where are your shoes?" He didn't even answer anything I had just said he just ignored it.
"Noah, please. Just come with me.. I was wearing heels I couldn't run in them.."
"No elle, I'm not doing this again. We will get close, and kiss then have sex it happens the same way every time, we really need to let eachother go.."
This made my blood boil, he wouldn't even let me explain things properly, I felt so uncomfortable here I just needed to be in my own surroundings
That got his attention. He was shocked "ok elle what the fuck is there to blackmail you over HUH?" He raised his voice back at me. "You wouldn't get it, there's something going on and he said he would tell you if I didn't get back with him" I mean I sort of told him I guess?
"OHHH THERE WE GO ELLE KEEPING SECRETS FROM ME AGAIN HUH, MAYBE YO DO BELONG WITH HIM" he began to shout at me; which definitely got my back up, that's it. I'm just going to say it, at this point we are basically over anyway so what's the point.
"IM PREGNANT NOAH. CONGRATULATIONS, DADDY". I shouted at him. He stood there in complete shock, and dropped to his knees and cried. I didn't know what to do, do I comfort him? Or do I just walk away. I chose to comfort him, even if he's not my boyfriend. He's still my friend. I got to his level and put my arms around him tight.
"Elle.. I had no idea, I mean I saw the letter in your room but I just thought they gave you the wrong papers. What do you want to do?" I was silent for a second, because no one has asked me really what I wanted to do and I haven't said it out loud. "I'm keeping the baby Noah, and I really do support your decision and I know it's selfish of me to say but I will be raising this baby, with or without your help but I'll give you some time to think." I Had to let him know my stance on it, he wanted me to be honest so here I am. I stood up and began walking away when he pulled my arm back and he kissed me "I love you Elle, of course I will do this with you.. I'm petrified, I won't lie. But I'm happy" he smiled at me and I smiled back, finally this is what I wanted to hear this whole time that he wanted this baby with me. I had no idea that he would react this way. I looked up at him fast my heart began racing "you do? You want this with me?" I just had to ask him one more time I needed to hear him say it again. "Yes Elle I mean it let's do this.." he hugged me tight I hugged him back immediately. "Thank god, I'm so sorry for all of this Noah I really didn't mean to hurt you.. I didn't tell you because I was constantly being fed that you didn't want kids cause you told Chloe you didn't and I just could-" he cut me off
"Elle, I told Chloe that I didn't want kids, cause I didn't want kids with her. I want everything with you, you're the reason I am moving back here, I love you Elle." He kissed my forehead, making my heart do backflips I'll be honest, I've never felt happiness like this. My heart was heavy, so full of love. "I love you too.. now if we do this. I think it's only right if we are boyfriend and girlfriend you know?" I said hinting at him he laughed at me "oh Elle, fine. Will you be my girlfriend? Ugh I feel so cheesy like we are kids" I laughed at him it was true, I felt like it too "you're right.. but yes I will be your girlfriend, now maybe we need to go back to my place because I don't know if you've noticed I have no shoes on" I looked down at my little feet which were actually red from running barefoot "I can't believe you ran barefoot, you're crazy" this felt nice, this place really is my good luck charm.. me and Noah always make things right here. Before I knew it my thoughts were interrupted my Noah sweeping me off my feet, and holding me bridal style. It just happened to be convenient that my house was only a few blocks away from here. So just like that Noah carried me all the way home, ready for an amazing night together. I can't wait to tell Lee about this. But my heart began to drop when I realised I would have to face Jake at the wedding.. oh well, only 2 days to go. Everything will be fine. I hope.

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